Please Read - The Summer Heat

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Since 2003 SatelliteGuys has been about Friends Helping Friends and every year around this time we notice that the summer heat gets to some of our members. So we would like to ask you to please take a few moments to read this message.

First off when it gets hot we all seem to get a little cranky, and with the heat being here in full force we have seen a lot of posts in which members are taking their crankiness out on other members. It should be noted that flaming other members is against the rules here at SatelliteGuys. We should also note that SatelliteGuys was built on people’s opinions. Opinions are just that opinions and remember with opinions there are no correct answers. So if someone’s opinion does not agree with yours it's ok and there is no reason to attack others for voicing their opinions.

Secondly over the past few months we have seen a dramatic increase in "Thread Crapping", Thread Crapping is where a person has a dislike for a company, product or technology and will go into that company, product or technologies forum and continually post how he or she does not like that product, company or technology adding nothing of value to that conversation. While we understand that people will be upset with a company, product or technology but if all you are going to do is come here and bash that product, company or technology we ask you not to or please find somewhere else to post. As an example we have a 3D Technology forum here and whenever something about 3D is posted some people feel they must go in and post how much they hate 3D and totally take the topic off topic. This needs to stop! We fully understand that not everyone likes 3D and that is 100% understandable, but please let those who do enjoy 3D technology talk about 3D without the "Thread Crapping" saying how much you hate it. We have been getting a lot of complaints lately from many loyal members about thread crapping like this and we need to do something about it, we do not want to lose our loyal membership because they can't have an open conversation about a company, product or technology without it going off topic by thread crapping. Those who continue to do nothing but do drive bys and pot shots at companies, products and technologies without adding to a conversation may find themselves without access to certain forums. We don’t want to do this, but we need to do what we need to do to keep the conversations flowing without the thread crapping.

Lately we have seen an increase of people when they like a post or thread posting a message only containing a +1 or a +2. We must ask this to stop, if you like a post please click on the LIKE BUTTON which was installed so people do not need to post +1. Besides the +1 posts cluttering up threads it also causes issues with our search engine. So please no more +1's.

Finally we are in the dog days of summer, and over the last 9 years we have learned that in the summertime that sometimes breaking satellite industry news and rumors come far and few between, so to keep people coming back this summer be on the lookout for some great summer contests!Keep checking back in at SatelliteGuys often because you never know when we have a great giveaway! Remember the more you visit the better chances you have to win!

In addition we are looking for ideas on new forums and how to improve existing forums! SatelliteGuys now is so much more then satellite, and we are looking for ways to bring more people to SatelliteGuys who might not necessarily be interested in Satellite technology. So if you have an idea please let us know! SatelliteGuys success was built on your ideas and feedback so please keep it coming!

It's hot out there, do you best to keep out of the heat! Have a great summer and thank you for reading and for being SatelliteGuys!
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We have some good ideas coming in already! (Thank you!)

So far seems people would like to see some local television and radio forums here at SatelliteGuys! I think we can do this using two forums and have 50 state topics in each forum. Let me know what you think of this idea. :)

BTW I understand some of the folks who do the +1 thing are doing it on a mobile application since there is no like button on the mobile app. We are trying to get the like button added to our app. :)
I like this from the tivocommunity TV talk area from justapixel ...
Don’t “thread crap.”
Thread crapping means posting negative comments in threads created by fans of a show, simply to anger them. This does not mean you cannot be critical of a show, but it must be constructive criticism.

Examples: Posting, “Lost sucks, and anybody who watches it has lost their mind” is considered thread-crapping. Posting, “I am finding Lost frustrating because they are stretching out the story line, and I don’t enjoy the backstories” is legitimate.
Scott Greczkowski said:
BTW I understand some of the folks who do the +1 thing are doing it on a mobile application since there is no like button on the mobile app. We are trying to get the like button added to our app. :)

Plus one! ;)

Since the like button was added, I've only used +1 when on my phone or iPad. I'd love for the mobile apps to have likeability!
vBulletin has an option to require posts to contain "x" number of characters. Make it "3" or more and that (specific) problem goes away.
I think a forum just for the roku would be a nice addition.With so many members getting rokus I'm sure it will be a hot topic.
Teehar said:
I think a forum just for the roku would be a nice addition.With so many members getting rokus I'm sure it will be a hot topic.

Good idea maybe a Q&A helpful hints sticky?
Thanks for bumping again Rey, I feel it is needed.
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Kindle Fire contest - Thanks to Scott, Eva, and SatGuys!!

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