I'm Mad & Disappointed With Dish

Try getting the name on the account changed. After my mother in law passed away last January we were in the process of getting her name off of stuff and DISH was the only one of her accounts making things difficult. My father in law actually cussed them out while my wife was on the phone with DISH and she was very close to doing the same.
Neutron said:
Try getting the name on the account changed. After my mother in law passed away last January we were in the process of getting her name off of stuff and DISH was the only one of her accounts making things difficult. My father in law actually cussed them out while my wife was on the phone with DISH and she was very close to doing the same.

They want you to close the account and open a new one. Yet they give you crap when you try to open the new account saying there was already an account there at that location
They want you to close the account and open a new one. Yet they give you crap when you try to open the new account saying there was already an account there at that location

He's looking to switch away from DISH at the camp house the service is at. He's not happy with how expensive the bill is. Unfortunately my mother in law had a 222k installed in the middle of 2011 so he has a contract and right now the ETF is $90.
You know as well as I do, they don't care........

Surprised they didn't charge me back for the dish, that may be on next pay (....)

I am so glad that most of what I do now doesn't involve dish, soon nothing will including my own account.

I agree 100%. I'm looking at the Genie now. I've been a Dish customer for 8 years. But as the instances of how the technicians and CSR's are treated have become more widespread, their service is definitely in my crosshairs. You sort of feel complicit in their schemes each time you make a payment. I know all the companies have their issues to some extent, but Dish is really taking the cake. As a result, I've made it a habit to not recommend anyone to Dish as a career move or as a service provider.
I did speak to retail services the other day, explained the situation to rep on the phone. He was polite and cordial but could only refer to the business rules. Basically his hands were tied & suggested a service request/dispute. I already done that before I called & it is pending. Another problem with that route is that there is no way to explain a situation or circumstance & no one to speak to from dish. The comment box only allows something like 24 characters. Like I told the rep on the phone, this could be anybody's grandma or grandpa, also I personally know many of the folks I do work for as do many other retailers. I feel certain I'm chasing a fart in a whirlwind, but the bottom line is things are not black & white like dish so plainly portrays.
I agree 100%. I'm looking at the Genie now. I've been a Dish customer for 8 years. But as the instances of how the technicians and CSR's are treated have become more widespread, their service is definitely in my crosshairs. You sort of feel complicit in their schemes each time you make a payment. I know all the companies have their issues to some extent, but Dish is really taking the cake. As a result, I've made it a habit to not recommend anyone to Dish as a career move or as a service provider.

Nicely said, I feel the same way.

This 1 retailer I used to work for was a very small operation, only about 8 of us. However around 2008 or 2009 we managed to sell & install over 1200 dish systems in 1 yr on a local level. While that # is a drop in the bucket in the overall scheme of things dish is doing quite well in regards to making many retailers sell more directv.

I personally lean new customers away from dish, however I do take care of my existing dish customers when problems arise & do dish movers, upgrades, tc's, etc. Unfortunately that is likely to change in the near future.
This is more of a rant than anything, but I want folks to know how dish treats its retailers.

I did an install for an older lady about 5+ years ago, it was the super dish days (1 receiver 301/311?).

Recently within the past 2 or 3 months I did a dish mover for her(free mover/no commitment). She is old in need of extra care so her son & daughter in law built an apartment for her behind their house so they could take care of her.

She died on 12/28 of natural causes at the age of 87. Trying to be helpful in the time of grief I helped her daughter in law get the dish account canceled.

Dish was very helpful & sympathetic on the phone about cancelling the account. However they charged me back $100.
Apparently in their rules dish movers have retailers financially responsible for 180 days.

Thanks dish, we know where your true heart is........$$$$$$.

Sorry I didn't notice this before, but hope this link might help

Wow, I can't believe they hold the installer responsible for this or any account. The way Dish is taking advantage of you is appalling. They are making the money monthly off of this sub, they should take the risk of keeping the customer, not you. Do you get any extra money if the sub stays on for longer than 2 years? I highly doubt it. If not, then why do you take on the burden of their death, and the account being closed?

You installers really need some type of representation. You are being taken advantage of, by a company that seems to be doing pretty well for themselves.
agreed. there have been a lot of lawsuits vs dish, but i'm not sure how any of them turned out.

We're only talking about a $100, it's more about principle & morals than anything.

The Directv sales I make will cost dish much more in the long run.
Wow, I can't believe they hold the installer responsible for this or any account. The way Dish is taking advantage of you is appalling. They are making the money monthly off of this sub, they should take the risk of keeping the customer, not you. Do you get any extra money if the sub stays on for longer than 2 years? I highly doubt it. If not, then why do you take on the burden of their death, and the account being closed?

You installers really need some type of representation. You are being taken advantage of, by a company that seems to be doing pretty well for themselves.

Just to be clear, Dish does in fact treat their installers this way, and has been known to back charge their subcontracting installers back the full amount paid for the install ($100+) if they find even the smallest infraction such as a misaligned sticker on a remote. Dish Network is the worst company in America on many levels. Every customer and every employee that refuses to do business with them makes the world a better place.

Having said that, you should know that this particular case does not involve (merely) an installer. Stardust3 is a RETAILER for Dish (may God have mercy on his soul :D). Retailers do share some responsibility and reward for the longevity of a customer's contract and rightly so. Installers are not penalized if a customer cancels early. Retailers are penalized.
So...you're expecting some love on a customer forum? Retailers are companies, DISH is a company; if DISH makes no money, neither do you, you know how this works.

And while we're on the subject, retailers have some not so nice things to say about the very customers they sign up. The customer is out to get as much as they can for as little as they are able to pull off, the retailer is out to sign up the customer for as much as they can and have the customer hold onto it long enough to get paid by DISH then run, and DISH is out to get the retailer to sign up the customer and then hold onto that customer forever while paying the retailer slightly more than as little as possible.

If being a retailer should have taught you one thing, it's that EVERYONE is working an angle. If you're lucky, someone at DISH might take pity on you and reverse the chargeback. And while you get a few "there there's" on this forum, the reality is most customers don't give a damn if you're charged back, so long as it doesn't inconvenience them in any way.

It's all about the $. It's why you got in the business, it's what the customer has to give (but doesn't want to), what you want to get from DISH and what DISH wants to keep. Circle of life Simba, everything the light touches are DISH chargebacks.



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What a wonderful society we live in. Screw your neighbor. Kill or be killed.
After disputing this it appears dish has had a change of heart. I can't say for certain, but maybe this thread helped.

Dispute Reason:​
Repayment Requested


Analyst Comments:​
Please look for payment within the next two payment cycles


2 Hopper with Sling Install

Help can not get Hopper ot connect to the internet

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