Recording Disappearing


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 15, 2010
Sun City West, AZ
Recently I'm seeing some of my recorded show just gone. All of the new "24" show, Black Box and a couple of others. The latest recording is there but the earlier ones are gone. I checked "deleted shows" and they are not there. Unfortunately none of these shows are in the "On Demand" section. They were all recorded using PTAT so it's not possible that I forgot to record them, plus I saw them in my recorded listing in both PTAT and
"My Recordings".
If a recording is in PTAT, and you leave it for 8+days it will be deleted unless you specifically save it, that's how PTAT works, only keeping 8 days of the recording.
I have been having the same issue on both Hopper 2000 (S438) and Hopper w/Sling (S502 now S503.) I have found that if you perform a search for the recordings they will show up there. C'mon Dish, what's the problem with making the software work as designed? Enough with the new features. Make the ones that we already have actually work properly! I know that more features = more new customers. I also know that it doesn't matter to Dish whether or not it actually performs as designed, since once they acquire said customer they are now under a 2-year contract, but these bugs are seriously leaving a bad taste in my mouth!

I only have six months left on my contract. If things don't improve soon I will be seriously considering dropping Dish and getting cable. I would have considered DirecTV until the AT&T acquisition. I know that I'm not the only one that feels this way! I would gladly beta test if it meant I could help speed up the bug fixes. I know that Dish is looking out for their bottom line, but why screw us, the paying customer in the process? They are already double-dipping on receiver fees by charging lease fees for owned equipment. I could let that slide better if my equipment ACTUALLY WORKED RIGHT...

Sure, they renamed it to "access fee" to make it seem like it's not what it really is, but in reality it's still a lease fee! If it were an "access fee," then why is it still the same amount as leased receivers? A real "access fee" should be something like $5-$7. But no, even if you own a second Hopper, it's still an extra $12/Mo, same as a leased Hopper. I could understand the $12 fee if it were the only Hopper you had, since that includes the "DVR/Whole-Home Fee."

Which brings me to another point. Why is the so-called "DVR/Whole-Home Fee" exactly the same amount as a second Hopper lease fee? Dish thinks they're clever, and I suppose many people are fooled, but I'm not fooled! For example, the ViP722 only has a $7 DVR fee. 922 has a $10 DVR fee. Why does the 922 cost more? Simple! "Because we can." The 922 uses no more guide data than the 722. They both pull in the same 9-day guide, just like all (modern) Dish DVRs. Even the 211 with EHD does, yet it has no DVR fee (other than $40 upfront.) So are Dual-Tuner DVR/Hopper users subsidizing 211 EHD users? If so, then they should lower the DVR fee and make 211 users pay up.

Which brings me to yet another point. The ridiculous fees for additional Dual-Tuner DVRs (except 612,) Hopper Whole-Home Fees, and Joey fees. The Dual-Tuner so-called "multi-room" DVRs cost $7 extra for a simple freakin' SD COAX connection? Imagine if cable cos charged $7/room just for hooking their cable directly to their TV with no box. There would be outrage! Sure Dish can disguise it once again as an "access fee," but what if said user were only using the DVR in Single Mode? At least with Hopper, you can simply use it without a Joey, and recover $5 plus have an extra tuner.

Which brings me to YET ANOTHER point. Why does Dish charge a "Whole-Home Fee," yet ON TOP OF THAT you must pay a Joey fee? "Because we can." At least one Joey should be FREE OF MONTHLY CHARGES in order to justify the "Whole-Home Fee." Instead, you get charged 19 DOLLARS a month, at least a 9 DOLLAR INCREASE over other options, just to have one more tuner and HD capability at two TVs. That might've been more justifiable, oh, about SIX YEARS ago when HD was "REVOLUTIONARY." Nowadays, HD is STANDARD! The only people with SD these days are the ones hanging on to the old tube TVs, or the ones that can't justify the RIDICULOUS FEES for HD. 4K TV is the next "REVOLUTION." I bet, if Dish ever acquires the bandwidth necessary, they'll charge EVEN MORE for it. Then there's the fact that people with only one Hopper and no Joeys, STILL get to eat the so-called "Whole-Home Fee." WOW, looks like Dish has it all figured out!

What if you bought a car and paid it off, yet the company you bought it for charged an "access fee" that just so happens to be the exact amount you would pay if it were leased? Dish is in fact making ALL OF US subsidize the cost of new customers, FOR LIFE. Just so they can say "our package prices are cheap!" Then once the customer is locked in to a contract, "oh by the way, we're raising all prices and fees and there is nothing you can do about it." There are ABSOLUTELY NO perks for being a loyal customer. Sure you might get "discounts" and "freebies" here and there, but compared to the subsidy you are paying, it means nothing! That is why so many people switch every two years.

As I am approaching the end of my contract, I am seeing less and less reason to stick with Dish (and perhaps pay TV in general,) and the BUGGY SOFTWARE might be the straw that broke the camel's back! FIX YOUR DAMN SOFTWARE. PLEASE.

I could go on, and on, and on. But I'll save the rest for another time.

I wish you luck. Check with your cable company in your area. Ask them how many tuners they have in the dvr. Check out the features on the dvr. How many tv;s do you have? How many cable boxes are you going to have to rent to get all the hd channels that you can get on the dvr.
I also have TWC because they made me a deal when I went to cancel the super basic package I had. If Dish had MSG, I'd cancel the cable in a minute. AFAIK, the dvr has only 1 tuners and I have only 1 cable box. Any oather tv that I have that is coax with out a box is limited in what channels I can get on them.
Remember the grass is greener on the other side of the fence only because you are looking at it sideways. Look straight down and it's no different that the grass on your side, if you are lucky. Most probably it's worse.
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There is so much wrong or to answer about your post I honestly don't know where to begin and taking it point by point would just be too exhausting. :)
So bottom line as best I can put it, since it has to be you feel other carriers don't charge those fees and are therefore less expensive, definitely time to try something else.
Which brings me to YET ANOTHER point. Why does Dish charge a "Whole-Home Fee," yet ON TOP OF THAT you must pay a Joey fee? "Because we can." At least one Joey should be FREE OF MONTHLY CHARGES in order to justify the "Whole-Home Fee." Instead, you get charged 19 DOLLARS a month, at least a 9 DOLLAR INCREASE over other options, just to have one more tuner and HD capability at two TVs. That might've been more justifiable, oh, about SIX YEARS ago when HD was "REVOLUTIONARY." Nowadays, HD is STANDARD! The only people with SD these days are the ones hanging on to the old tube TVs, or the ones that can't justify the RIDICULOUS FEES for HD. 4K TV is the next "REVOLUTION." I bet, if Dish ever acquires the bandwidth necessary, they'll charge EVEN MORE for it. Then there's the fact that people with only one Hopper and no Joeys, STILL get to eat the so-called "Whole-Home Fee." WOW, looks like Dish has it all figured out!
That (first Joey not part of the Whole Home fee), and the knowledge that I didn't want to risk my TV viewing/recording on cutting-edge technology until all the bugs got worked out of it (but, I didn't expect it to take this long), were the reasons I didn't upgrade in the first place. (Did I mention list view? :) ) I guess I can thank Dish for charging for the first Joey and keeping me from upgrading, saving me a boatload of headaches.
I wish you luck. Check with your cable company in your area. Ask them how many tuners they have in the dvr. Check out the features on the dvr. How many tv;s do you have? How many cable boxes are you going to have to rent to get all the hd channels that you can get on the dvr.
I also have TWC because they made me a deal when I went to cancel the super basic package I had. If Dish had MSG, I'd cancel the cable in a minute. AFAIK, the dvr has only 1 tuners and I have only 1 cable box. Any oather tv that I have that is coax with out a box is limited in what channels I can get on them.
Remember the grass is greener on the other side of the fence only because you are looking at it sideways. Look straight down and it's no different that the grass on your side, if you are lucky. Most probably it's worse.

I certainly don't think the grass is greener anywhere in the pay TV industry, but at least I'll have promotional credits so I can delay the potentially inevitable cord cut. All I really want is for my equipment that costs a boatload to actually perform like it costs a boatload. It's like buying a sports car but due to bugs in the ECU it performs like a Pinto. Then I take it in to the dealer for an update and sometimes it's ALMOST what I paid for and other times it's WORSE than a Pinto.

There is so much wrong or to answer about your post I honestly don't know where to begin and taking it point by point would just be too exhausting. :)
So bottom line as best I can put it, since it has to be you feel other carriers don't charge those fees and are therefore less expensive, definitely time to try something else.

No. Nowhere in my post did I indicate that other companies charge less... I indicated that it's the BUGS on TOP of the insane cost that are pissing me off. The pay TV industry in general has become ridiculous. Just because "everyone else" charges a boatload of unnecessary fees doesn't make it right that Dish also does the same. Years ago Dish was a lot more reasonable with their equipment fees. Then they just went ridiculous. The "old" Hopper fees ($10 + $7 for each additional receiver) made me think that MAYBE they were going back to their "old" reasonable fees. Then they raised the rates. Since I was "grandfathered" into the old price I thought I was good to go. Then suddenly that won't last either. The old bait-and-switch. Sure I've got 18 months worth of $15 dollar credits plus 18 months of $10 credits for AEP, but as I clearly stated before, there are absolutely NO perks for being loyal.

Once those credits run out, I can like it or lump it. Sure I'm "grandfathered" into "free" HD for "Life" but if I were to leave then come back BOOM I get a nice charge for HD which shouldn't exist. Or it could be like when I had the "grandfathered" Hopper fees in that it won't last. So basically I can stay with Dish once the credits run out and just bend over or I can dump them, get promotional pricing from someone else for two years, come back to Dish, get promotional pricing for two years, and just switch every two years. OR I can just say to hell with pay TV since it's getting to be so worthless anyway and just go with Internet TV, in which the cable/sat cos are trying to make that no longer an option either.

Most (if not all) of my post were OPINIONS. So how can they be WRONG? OPINIONS are not right or wrong. They are opinions. If you feel that, in your opinion, Dish's fee structure is reasonable because "everyone else" does it, then so be it. I personally can't see why you don't see it my way, but I'm certainly not going to just flat-out tell you that you're WRONG.

That (first Joey not part of the Whole Home fee), and the knowledge that I didn't want to risk my TV viewing/recording on cutting-edge technology until all the bugs got worked out of it (but, I didn't expect it to take this long), were the reasons I didn't upgrade in the first place. (Did I mention list view? :) ) I guess I can thank Dish for charging for the first Joey and keeping me from upgrading, saving me a boatload of headaches.

Funny thing about it is, for my needs Hopper was CHEAPER than sticking with the 722. It also ran reasonably well for a good period of time, had some annoying things, but nothing like the MESS it's in now. Of all things, RECORDINGS DISAPPEARING FROM A DVR. Sort of defeats the whole purpose of a DVR, doesn't it? But they are always there to rake in the fees, hell I remember a long time ago before autopay when my receiver would nag me to pay the bill. They make damn sure that that part of the software works PERFECTLY. A DVR should just be set-it-and-forget-it. I'm tired of babysitting my Hoppers.
Halo, you have been around long enough to know about the fees, etc. All of a sudden going into a tirade about it makes me think you are just frustrated about the bugs, which you have a right to be. So, calm down. No need for long winded rants. I agree with you about the bugs. So, let that be your position of frustration. Just keep it to the point, then we will be more likely to hear you out.
Of course, Halo, the Hopper pricing IS cheaper than ViP multiple-room DVR setups (more than 2 TVs), which for my 2-TV setup there was another reason to not upgrade. If the first Joey had been included in the Whole-Home fee, then I would have been enticed to pay the extra $5 for my 2-TV setup...but not $12 more.
Halo, you have been around long enough to know about the fees, etc. All of a sudden going into a tirade about it makes me think you are just frustrated about the bugs, which you have a right to be. So, calm down. No need for long winded rants. I agree with you about the bugs. So, let that be your position of frustration. Just keep it to the point, then we will be more likely to hear you out.

True. I suppose I should've bitched about the fees upfront, but Dish "pacified" me with credits and whatnot. The reason I bring the fees into the rant is that if they want my hard-earned cash, and lots of it, then they better damn well do their part and make my experience at the very least pleasant, like they promised it to be when I got the equipment in the first place. I realize that part of Dish's problem is with the pay TV industry in general. With content providers demanding more and more every year, SOMETHING needs to be done about that, but if people just plead ignorance and apathy to the matter then it will never happen. People in general also seem to want something that's cheap NOW and then pay out the nose every month for the rest of their life. Not many realize the concept of saving money anymore. I could rant about cellular carriers and politics too, but I'm trying not to digress TOO much.

Of course, Halo, the Hopper pricing IS cheaper than ViP multiple-room DVR setups (more than 2 TVs), which for my 2-TV setup there was another reason to not upgrade. If the first Joey had been included in the Whole-Home fee, then I would have been enticed to pay the extra $5 for my 2-TV setup...but not $12 more.

If I were in your shoes, I might've done the same thing. Then again, I'm a sucker for new technology. So who knows.
I was remiss in not saying your actual complaint is something DISH really needs to pay attention to, the bugs. For being their flagship receiver they don't seem in any hurry to fix problems. They could at least acknowledge they are working on them.

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