Recent content by Jamey K

  1. Jamey K

    Harmony Ultimate One Issues

    Thank YOU Foxbat. Followed the procedure and the Harmony is working again!! I can't begin to express how grateful I am. Jamey
  2. Jamey K

    Harmony Ultimate One Issues

    My Harmony has worked like a champ. I plugged it in to change a few things around and it did a fast sync. Now, it won't do anything. After my changes I've been attempting for the last 3 hours to get it to sync again. The status bar jumps up to less than a quarter and just sits there. I've tried...
  3. Jamey K

    In Search Of A Cord

    I wear them at night after my wife goes to sleep.
  4. Jamey K

    In Search Of A Cord

    Thank you Foxbat. That's exactly what I'm going to do. Already ordered!!
  5. Jamey K

    In Search Of A Cord

    I finally decided to post this here so forgive me if it's the wrong place. I bought a new TV last week. The SAMSUNG UN65TU7000FXZA 2160P. I had my Sennheiser RS 160 RF Wireless Headphones plugged into the old TV. There doesn't seem to be a lot of output choices on the new TV, but it does have...
  6. Jamey K

    I'll Need A New TV Soon

    Thank you all. My old TV gave up the ghost last Sunday so I went to Best Buy and got a great deal on this:
  7. Jamey K

    I'll Need A New TV Soon

    I'll need a new TV by Father's Day at the latest. I don't have 4K now, but I want it. No smaller than 60 inch and after that, I'm listening to y'all. Do I want QLED? I'm seeing bad and good reviews of it. My budget will be $1000 firm and I'll be replacing a Samsung 60 inch HD. I don't care how...
  8. Jamey K

    The Roku 4 is here!

    Yeah, I broke down and bought one. It's sitting next to my Apple TV.
  9. Jamey K

    Designated Survivor

    The President is not the target. The First Lady is.
  10. Jamey K

    Wireless Headphones With No Delat

    About one night a week, I never fall asleep. I have to be at work by 5:30am, so sometimes, I just sit here and play video Solitare. I've decided I'm going to watch TV so I need a pair of wireless headphones. In reading reviews, I'm come across a delay issue with some sets. If I'm already not...
  11. Jamey K

    Designated Survivor

    I just finished watching the fall ending. I have a theory. :)
  12. Jamey K

    Alignment Issues

    What .....if you've moved....and can't call for a tech to come out? Is there a way to find someone to do that?
  13. Jamey K

    Song Name Game Part 3!

    TOGETHER(Having A Ball)-Partridge Family
  14. Jamey K

    Harmony smart control

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