Recent content by phoenix94

  1. P

    Networks on G16 @99W

    Don't know, but you might be confusing HD with digital tv.
  2. P

    Outdoor Channel?

    I can't seem to find it on G10R, anyone getting it or have they scrambled? Thanks.
  3. P

    Attention: We need your help!

    But that's how it starts, isn't it? Joe Geek, toiling in his garage, comes up with a way to watch great tv for free. He tells a few of his friends and makes up some equipment for them too. Word gets around and Joe is spending all his time making equipment. It's all small time, a few thousand at...
  4. P

    Attention: We need your help!

    My take on it is that they see it as a market niche. They're hoping to convince potential buyers that there's a lot of good fta stuff to watch and then sell the equipment needed to watch it. Same ol same ole. I think ultimately it will lead to everything being encrypted and fta will go the...
  5. P

    High Definition Channels

    Okay, here's the stupid question of the day, smile and shake your head if you must:) Our analog tv is finally dying and we're going to make the leap to HD. Will the hdtv alone display a hd channel such as Discovery (from my dsr922), or will I also need an HD200 box?
  6. P

    Which is the most active sat for KU FTA

    With my setup (pansat 2500a slaved to a 922) I have to leave the 922 powered on, when I shut it off the servo reverts to vertical polarity. Pulled a lot of hair out learning this.
  7. P

    New at this so lots of ?????

    Over a thousand posts since joining in May? That's impressive;)
  8. P

    Mounting Pole Indentation

    Thanks for the replies guys. I'll probably have to do something different at some point, but for now I've pinned it. Well worth the effort though as I now get good signals on stuff at G10R that was only marginal at best before.
  9. P

    Mounting Pole Indentation

    I was fooling around with my dish yesterday and found I could get better signals by a small rotation of the dish, maybe a 1/16 of an inch. Trouble is when I tighten, the bolts want to go right back into their original indentations and I lose my gains. Anybody got a simple fix short of...
  10. P

    strong transponder for g10r

    There are. But they're on the Ku band. Ice' already listed those available on the C-band side.
  11. P

    Stuff like this makes me shake my head

    Their suspicions are not unfounded, I communicate with the Zargonians on the planet Zargon with my dish:D
  12. P

    local channels puerto rico

    Somebody's getting cranky and needs a nap:D
  13. P


    Are you leaving the 920 powered on while using the FTA receiver? I know this caused me no end of frustration until others here pointed out that you need to keep the 4dtv on to control polarity.
  14. P

    blind scanning

    THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Finaly, after months of frustration! That was it, the 922 has to powered on to keep the polarity the way I currently have it set up. I just assumed it stayed on the channel I left it on when I turned it off so I could see the 2500a on the tv. I changed the 'tv out' on the...
  15. P

    blind scanning

    Then my hookup must be wrong because I can't see the Pansat on the tv unless I shut the 922 off. How should I have it hooked up? Surely there must be at least one other member here who has a 922 hooked to a 2500a?