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    How accurate is Lyngsat today?

    if you are getting other things on the same transponder and not that service, usually that means you did things right and the service is not there. Happens quite often.
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    Using C/KU LNB

    C/Ku LNBFs are usually a bit of a compromise, particularly on the Ku side. However in the specific case of 101W Ku, the only transponder with TV channels is rather easy to receive, so that might work just fine. as long as you have a bit of margin on your C-band reception in case the combo als...
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    Alignment problem

    you can try moving the LNBF in and out a bit and see how that affects the quality. can you give a list of those TPs you are able to receive?
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    Alignment problem

    I would start by checking that your north-south alignment is correct. Try doing that by identifying landmarks on a map (like on satellite view on google maps) that you can also see from your dish location. Something like a building, a tall tree, etc. DO NOT rely on the compass on a phone. In my...
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    Intelsat 18 180.0E Ku

    very good point, excellent advice! Thanks for sharing and yes I forgot about those transponders on 58W, there are/were several like that, same frequency and opposite polarity. I think there are a few on 40.5W as well (Left and Right on same frequency in that case)
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    Intelsat 18 180.0E Ku

    there is one that I can think of... Hispasat 30W5 has stuff on the Americas beam on 12052 H 27500 and on 12052 V 27500. Very confusing at first.
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    Satellite receiver RS-232 Loader search, anyone knows??

    my uinderstanding is that the RS232 ports were used to upload/download firmware and possibly configuration backups, but not for transfer of recordings
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    Chaparral Sierra 3 question

    Looks like they do - there's a whole section in the back with push connectors for the actuator (labeled "MTR"), the sensor and the polarotor (if using one)
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    Advice Needed: Setting Up C-band Reception with a 90 cm Dish

    excellent explanation! I also think the only thing a 90 cm dish might be able to receive on 58W C-band is the NHK transponder KCTV requires 9.5 dB and I think even a 6-ft/1.80m dish would not be sufficient
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    Circular C-Band reception

    Well, depends on the receiver. The dielectric plate basicaly converts circular to linear, and which one becomes H and which one become V will depend on which way you put the dielectric plate. I try one way, see what happens and correct if necessary. Now, most receivers don't have anything other...
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    Circular C-Band reception

    47.5W is quite easy, 40.5W is a bit uneven, some easy TPs and some really hard to get. 34.5W is not easy but low FEC makes it doable, but nothing ITC there other than a test card. 27.5W no longer has video, 22W has a bunch of Brazilian channels, quite easy if not too low. 14W a bit similar to...
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    Polarity Issue

    If I remember correctly, the problem started when you replaced or repaired one of the LNB arms. Could it be that despite taking precautions, this is actually a geometry problem? Say for example, that somehow the dish is warped, it could very well affect one polarity more than the other. In that...
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    Polarity Issue

    that's a great idea, that should confirm whether the meter is working fine now, am I understanding correctly that on C-Band you receive V, than if you rotate the LNBF 90 degrees and scan, you still don't receive the H transponders (with the receiver or meter still set to V of course)?
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    Tips and Suggestions for C-Band Dish Installation?

    Congratulations on getting a dish! The concrete depth and shape will depend largely on your location and soil type. You need to go below frost line. In my area that's 42 inches, so I dug to 48. It's always good to make the hole bell shaped (bottom wider than top). Now if the soil is very loose...
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    Dish review

    yes indeed that sounds like a 36" dish... the hight is always a bit more than the nominal size because of the viewing angle... In other words, that dish looks oval to us, but once installed and aimed properly, from the perspective of the satellite being received, it looks like a circle of 35.5...
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    CW600S Captive Works

    my understanding is that tat receiver is limited to SD/MPEG2/DVB-S. It will still work on many channels on 97W Ku but that's about it at this point. So unless that's what you're interested in, I would suggest getting a new box
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    OTHER LNB parameters

    note that 65W also uses the lower Ku band (LO set to 9750, 22kHz off), so if you are within its footprint it might be worth using the actual "Universal" LNB setting
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    Seeking Advice on Installing FTA Satellite Dish for International Programming in RV

    I think you are giving the US government way too much credit here. I doubt very much that they care about those small motorized dishes, if they even know what they are in the first place. Instead, I think it simply comes down to the market. True legit FTA in US/Canada is mostly a hobby, and the...
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    Kijiji, eBay, and Craigslist dishes for you to take a look at

    and what's nice with a 6ft is that it's small enough to be a portable setup, which is nice for experimenting
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    It got dark

    I travelled last week to the Adirondacks and in 2017 to TN. Great experience both times!
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    Receiving radio transponders on 105w

    i get them on my Edision enigma2 receiver but I don't think I get them on my Amiko miniHDre. I suppose that maybe the Amiko chokes on the high number of services? Note that many (if not most) of those "radio channels" are empty
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    Skybox F-3 receiver

    the most detailed info I could find is Skybox F3 HD PVR Satellite Receiver so from the specs it looks like a standard receiver from 5-10 years ago, DVB-S2, h.264. Definitely useable, except for the HEVC channels (which are quickly becoming more common). For that reason alone, I would not spend...
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    New Motor!

    I think DW is actually 5/6 FEC so requires 9.4dB, so that's even less of a margin. Definitely a difficult one. I lose it at the slightest rain or even with thick clouds.
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    C band signal problems

    if you take a picture of the Eiffel Tower and label it Tower of London, you might think it's the Tower of London, but it's still the Eiffel Tower and it's still in Paris... in other words, the satellite names in the receiver are only there to keep things organized. When you scan, the receiver...