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  1. techdood

    NFL Sunday Ticket

    I actually have 2 answers for the polled question. The second would be, I couldn't afford it. I would love to have Sunday Ticket back, but I have a very disapppointed opinion about Direct Tv. So much, that I no longer wish to pay a single centavo to them. I would have to have a Canadian service...
  2. techdood

    Hd Rsn

    From what I've seen in the San Francisco Bay Area, no it does not. I do not know of any negotitions for the channel are being worked on neither. Comcast has got the rsnHD goods for this entire territory.
  3. techdood

    How many of you are Tech's/installers?

    I work as a telecommunication technician. I hobbied around the satellite thing since MTV was still ITC on C-Band. Was very interested when Captain Midnight did his thing. I've installed friends and family, even took on a few clients. I'd most likely be the least qualified on paper, but I'm...
  4. techdood

    Camera, Cable, and Sat combined

    Either way would work, as long as the signal from the modulator is strong enough at the point of insertion. I assume you will be using a device like a Channel Plus 5445, you probably wont need 4 inputs but its a possibility, and then combine it using a splitter/combiner or 'Home Node' unit...
  5. techdood

    Comcast Headends

    I would love to see information of this sort. However, I believe most information will most likely be proprietary and privileged information and therefore cannot be shared openly on the internet. I'd share a little bit about what I know about the Sacramento outfit. I never was a Comcast employee...
  6. techdood

    comcast replaces wiring--no more tiling

    You were one of the fortunate ones. For me however, not so. I have had the same troubles. My coax service drop showed signs of deterioration due to 2 water softeners flooding out the conduit. The super-hyperband channels kept fading in and out, tiling on all digital channels, etc. etc. 2 service...
  7. techdood

    Need a satellite post/pole. What's best to use?

    yeah it's nice for techheads like us. but making a satellite dish a focal point for a flower bed isn't attractive to most. I'd use a false rock, or that thing that makes a satellite dish look like a potted plant. as for the original post, galvanized pipe is the best bet,in my opinion. there...
  8. techdood

    Superdish Theft On The Rise!!!

    truckracer wrote: Does the FSS (horizontal or Veritcal) Linear lnb on the superdish use dishpro signal stacking? I guess if it does and combines both polarities on a single feed line you would have to have the "Dishpro FSS" lnbf. i would assume it does. both fss birds utilize both...
  9. techdood

    Greetings from CES 2005!

    Heya, ill be joining you at the CES. My company wasn't able to provide me with press passes so I'll be departing tomorrow. Going to join in the latter half of the VoIP session. It's going to be a blast. Hopefully I'll see you in passing.
  10. techdood

    is there such an animal

    I have multiple lnbfs on a single collector, both forward and toroidal reverse types, and always come across a single problem concerning direct tv's 110C head. Is there such an lnbf that performs BOTH regular full 32 transponder block down conversion and direct tv's shifted block in a single...
  11. techdood

    Losing channels on Spotbeam 3 after 6pm

    Hmmm, you still get KCAL, KCET, KMEX but lose KCOP? I guessing you checked the signal meter when you lose Spot 3 119 on your dishnetwork receiver. Verify that you lose those other mentioned channels before investing into a larger collector. But most likely...the larger collector will help.
  12. techdood

    What's a Sacramento Kings fan to do?

    The Sacramento Bee reported that Dishnetwork will show the Sacramento Kings VS Houston Rockets on channel 447 (ALT3), to those in Sacramento. Looks like Dishnetwork is still good with negotiations because of a comparable Altitude Sports Net deal, the RSN for Denver. The paper also...
  13. techdood

    Help with double LNB satellite dish troubleshoot

    The unit you are having trouble with has a bad tuner and only dials in one side of the satellite. You could check this with a volt-meter, see the switching from 13-15V 17-19V. If it stays on 1 or 1 then 0V, then you got a bad tuner.
  14. techdood

    Tips from experienced installers please!?

    That last one could have been RF interference, when a transmitter is located nearby installed home. Could have been prevented by properly grounding lead before it gets into the home. Telecommunications techs go thru that shock scenario many times before realizing the potential hazard...
  15. techdood

    Questions on Wiring a Voom+DTV+OTA System

    well, lets talk about the obvious cable runs necessary for your task. thinking this way offers the most flexible for expansion purposes. (1) the direct tv collector that targets all 3 orbitals would have a maximum of 4 coaxes out. (2) you'll need 1 for the OTA and if you want that...
  16. techdood

    cable signal loss

    I just talked to a fellow communications guy and he says so also. steps have already been taken to replace the entire drop run, which BTW is longer than usual. the J box will not have a splice and we'll be using RG7 as opposed to RG6. this should correct the problem. thank you peoples...
  17. techdood

    cable signal loss

    i have a modulator that injects picture from 2 satellite signals into the existing cable channel lineup. everything works fine but now I'm having some troubles, possibly with the cable TV. every morning at about 9-11am the cable signal degrades so much everything shuts down. the cable...
  18. techdood

    Two receivers in one location, can I split the line?

    thanks for the heads up. i saw a post in another thread that had a partial answer I was looking for. I guess it is enough for me for now. looking forward to the future, we should see a few more things to make our installations simple.
  19. techdood

    Two receivers in one location, can I split the line?

    what is the word on the next generation of switches from dish network in regards to this scenario? I've heard that soon, if not now, one could place a switch at either end to perform the task. I don't have specifics, but I am curious as to HOW. CablerMN is correct at this time. You'd...
  20. techdood

    Hidden Channels on 301 receiver

    no. especially if you do not have authorization to receive channels. this is due to specific channel tiers assigned to a certain channel lineup, your example includes local content for Hartford CT. if you do not have the channel tiers nor the rights then you cannot see the channel on the...
  21. techdood

    Simple DirecTV/HD/Tivo Installation question

    whoops. OK. I didn't see the multiple orbital. I am sorry. Either way, Stackers are way pricey and only considered if, like you stated, only 1 orbital was seen. Looking forward to what dishnet is cooking up with this DP+. From what i've heard on the retailer channel, it'd solve the...
  22. techdood

    Simple DirecTV/HD/Tivo Installation question

    You could inquire about a "stacker." What this device does is injects both polarities, LHCP and RHCP which is nornally chosen by variations in voltage, into ONE coax. Therefore on the middle of the stacking devices, you could place a splitter capable of splitting up to 2.4Ghz. Cannot...
  23. techdood

    SW64 problem

    And make sure the lead that carries that power to that switch doesn't have any faults itself. Bad or loose connectors, bad coax. Check it all. I've ran around a house 1 whole day on a nightmare similar to yours. Then I refitted the connector to the power injector.
  24. techdood

    Dish 119 Even Transponder Problem

    Sounds very reasonable. Collectors that lose signal on 1 set of circular polarities are off a little bit. They are less off than a total loss of signal of both, but a small adjustment is needed to "dial it in"