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  • Users: roashru
  • Content: Threads
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  1. R

    75 ohm Antennas

    hello everyone, this post is all about 75 ohm antennas if you dont know what a real 75 ohm antenna is please dont make a comment. no transformers are used.
  2. R

    atsc antenna

    new post because of off topic tech. first, there is no such thing as a hd antenna. regardless what people tell you 300 ohm twin lead is not dead at all they are miss informed. coax is better for electrical noisy environments (shielded wire) only. twin lead wire is better than coax if electrical...
  3. R

    Off-Air subject based TV networks

    hello everyone, been long time since posted. i have noticed air tv programing is starting to look like basic cable/sat same type subject grouped to a channel. is there a list of current subject based off-air networks. if this keeps up even people that must have basic cable /sat programing will...
  4. R

    rad shack stock

    hello, just wanted to let everyone know the u4000 uhf 60 miler antenna that radio shack sells works very well in heavy tree locations. port orange, fl to antenna farm in bithlo, fl about 45 miles , trees in way. ! works.
  5. R

    too many receiver prompts

    hello everyone, i did try a forum search. my question is im using a h23-600 receiver and watch a lot of basic programing using the guide scheduler and get a video prompt 2 minutes every time before its changing and also anytime i try to control anything on av1, av2, or tv im always pressing the...
  6. R

    Cheap folded di-poles do work

    I installed a cheap folded dipole antenna in an attic using ultra low loss 300ohm wire. Everyone should try this too like the home made bow-tie antennas. The installation was 8 feet across and 3 feet down the center (frequency band overkill) to a 300ohm-75ohm transformer glued then taped to the...
  7. R

    Black Friday TV purchase

    After looking at the Black Friday newspaper and web site ads I noticed that small cheap real HD 720p TVs were advertised. The 19 inch screen size seemed to be the cheap priced screen size for HD. I checked the specs of TVs at a few big box stores all the same cheap price = cheap, poor hardware...
  8. R

    Current news

    I have told everyday people I talk to that digital TV is more difficult to get than the old analog whats worse there is still no standard for the new TVs like the converter boxes. (A/74)"A/74" News from The Associated Press < link .
  9. R

    Apex DT250 pictures and info

    This converter box has the most features I have found for a coupon approved box. A list of features that I am glad it has. aspect ratio 4:3 - normal - zoom 16:9 - normal - zoom - fill signal meter s-video If your close to the TV screen you will notice the slight moving rainbow colors are...
  10. R

    Url update

    The "new" att has done what I thought they were going to do. Beginning April any att addresses for roashru are terminated. Anyone interested in the old DirecTV and Voom receiver info for ANT/Digital TV Here url: roashru < link watch out for the ads! No more att business related e-mail...
  11. R

    Chipset Generations

    Has most of everyone gotten away from the ATSC generation chipset crap? (LG only) its now is the receiver chip A/74 compiant!
  12. R

    Advanced antenna basics

    4 - 300 ohm antennas connected directly to coax = 75 ohms!
  13. R

    LG Converter Box News

    A news story on approved LG converter box. LG Electronics Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Certified by U.S. Commerce Department < link No S-Video! :shocked
  14. R

    Kworld VS-ATSC-315U

    I purchased a Kworld VS-ATSC-315U to give it a try. Its currently the cheapest ATSC/QAM USB HDTV out. Im posting information for anyone that may have had problems with the Kworld VS-ATSC-315U or thinking about getting one. Im satisfied with the quality for price paid. I recommend it. The only...
  15. R

    Link information update

    I might be dropping my att service and have made a short information web page on the old satellite receivers for free hdtv to a reliable free web page hosting service.
  16. R

    Final rule on digital television converter box coupon program

    There has been a final ruling on the digital television converter box coupon program. I really dont think the united states government understands the magnitude of changing to digital broadcast television and not thoroughly getting the information out...
  17. R

    New digital tv ?

    Im in Atlanta , GA area now and have found some interactive digital television duplex tests (2-way) that seem to be serious!
  18. R

    Voom receivers will show fine tuning

    Hey everyone, after tinkering around more with my Voom receiver i found something more valuable than the "Aim off-Air Antenna". on the remote press voom -> green -> green -> (6) system status -> ok -> down -> down -> look at the line that says "Off-Air Signal Power/SNR" each station will show...