Search results for query: *

  1. C

    Satellite Dish Complaint - OTARD Response Letter

    I would omit my employment with the FCC - a lawyer might say that was an attempt to use "government position" against a citizen. (Trust me on that one.)
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    making the switch..maybe..

    I'm SD with 3 tivos*, lifetime PVR service. I have east and west distant networks SD service. I am not under contract, everything here I own. I want 2 HD tivos, east distant networks HD and to retain both of my SD distant networks, and to keep one SD tivo. first question, what should the...
  3. C

    Going HD...

    I'm a SD customer with 2 SD tivos, what would be a good deal from DTV for me to upgrade to 2 HD tivos? I am assuming I am grandfathered on the tivo fee. I am not under contract nor have received any goodies from direct in the last five years.
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    Not a chance in...

    My wife says we have to keep east and west distant networks* (our locals are infamous for local programing interrupting network programing), we're SD, out tivos are dying -and she loves her tivos (I'm watch little tv at home on the road a lot so it kinda her call) is there any way we could get...
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    Fox DN east feed (SD): what transponder?

    sigh...iceberg you know that was what I didn't want to even think - could well be, these are old tivos, still odd just one channel. Oh well i'll just live with it. I have both E and W Distant networks, and as I understand can't have them if I go HD, and the boss says I won't have ////// I mean...
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    Fox DN east feed (SD): what transponder?

    Thanks for the help - now I'm really stumped, both receivers show a 96/97 strength for TP30, yet one gets breakup (live and recording) on Fox, the other does not. Other DN record fine. I've been messing with DTV since the initial trials in MS and LA but this old boy be lost.
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    Fox DN east feed (SD): what transponder?

    I have 2 sd tivos fed by separate dishes, one is having no problem with fox, the other is, the technical term I believe, is crap. I'm trying to see if I have a dish alignment problem small enough to be not readily apparent- the two dishes seem to be aimed the same, i.e., similar reading on...
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    BBC America breakup at night

    SD- and I'm showing high 80s/90s on all transponders at time of problem- I think BBC A is on 32? I sometimes get breakup on my local for CW (NW Alabama) but other than that, not counting really bad rain, I get good reception. Tried to watch The Hour the other night and just gave up.
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    BBC America breakup at night

    I show very good numbers (90+) on all transponders but at night BBC America has problems- anyone else seeing breakup?
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    Directv Onetime Free HD-DVR Upgrade to Valued Customers

    I'm SD only (old tivos) if I take this deal what installation costs am I to expect (replace 1 SD unit w/HD keep other SD), and what will it do to my monthly bill?
  11. C

    Skipping Commerials - a viewpoint

    Me again... I was expressing two different viewpoints - 1) my doubts on the legality of third party automated removal of a portion of a retransmitted signal, and, 2) my fear if determined legal, hat the loss of revenue to the networks would probably impact production. And yes I use my DVR...
  12. C

    Skipping Commerials - a viewpoint

    I know we would all like tv without them but we also know what pays the bills. Yes if you have a DVR you can skip commercials, you as the enduser control the situation. I do not believe that a third party, your tv distributor for example, has the legal right to do this for you. A kinda...
  13. C

    HD upgrading: cost and national feeds

    "if the OP doesn't currently qualify for HD DNS and chooses to keep SD DNS, they won't get satellite delivered HD national networks (DNS or LIL)." I don't quite follow this - maybe the low tech version? and what is LIL?
  14. C

    HD upgrading: cost and national feeds

    thanks guys! and yes I did mean the national feeds. What would my monthly bill run for 3 PVRs, HD, and PVR fee (reckon the "new" tivo would accept my tivo forever ;-) )?
  15. C

    HD upgrading: cost and national feeds

    I currently have 3 d*tivos (SD) in use with tivo for life service . I have both west and east national channels. If I upgrade to HD - 1- cost of 3 units 2- PVR fee? 3- national HD channels available (locals are available in HD)? I really don't much at all about this stuff, so if I've...
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    D*Tivo dying- what will I get?

    any dealing up to a HD unit? I'm "PVR fee paid forever" if I upgrade to HD will I still have no pvr fee? hey really appreciate the reply and your time.
  17. C

    D*Tivo dying- what will I get?

    I pay for the insurance, whatever its called, if my old tivo finally quits, and I think it going to, what will direct replace it with, and how do I get it, i.e., they ship it or it has to be installed? Yea, i know I'm green at this.. but been D* LA/Miss startup.
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    Directv Tivos rebooting - problem start in late october

    Supposedly D* has asked several owners permission to directly monitor their PVRs in an attempt to ID the problem, which, btw, seems to be affecting a large number of SD D* tivos. odd though only some - I have 2, 1 has the problem but not the other.
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    Directv Tivos rebooting - problem start in late october

    probably true, I'm waiting on a Tivo HD from D*. But meantime really would like to discover the problem we're having.
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    Directv Tivos rebooting - problem start in late october

    A number of SD tivo owners are reporting reboots after attempting to read messages, go to manager, etc., I have 2 D* tivos, one is displaying the problem but not the other. Tivocommunity reports show this is a fairly wide spread problem. Anyone here having this problem, and idea as to its cause?
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    Criminal Minds: Season Six

    I will miss watching this show- stayed with it through the earlier cast changes but... JJ and I have left the building.
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    Weather Channel: Locals on the 8's

    Does work with Directivo SD?
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    Directivo requires reboot often after rain

    One of my tivos will require a reboot after a rain, works fine otherwise - I don't mean a power interruption, just a rain storm- any thoughts?
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    Glossary --- Anyone can contribute....

    A list of directivos model numbers, i.e., which one is H- whatever,
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    Added features for D*Tivos: which units NOT to get it?

    I missed the announcement on my D*Tivo in regard to the new features to be added in 2008- I'm told it mentioned certain units that would NOT get the upgrade- can anyone tell me which ones won't?