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  1. SarKen

    How do I change a Joeys default hopper reciever

    I am also trying to switch the linked Hopper on one Joey. My Setup is two Hoppers and one Joey. When I upgraded my setup last week the installer linked to the wrong Hopper. I can unlink the Joey to the living room Hopper, but it will not link to the Hopper down stairs. I tried rebooting both...
  2. SarKen

    6/28/15 guide update

    There was a message on my system that on 6/28/15 or after that some new features where going to be added to the guide. I have not received this update in RI yet. Anyone receive it yet? I did some searching on this update and could not find any info in it. Some new features I recall from the...
  3. SarKen

    Joining a recorded show with a Joey?

    I tried that aswell. Also, tried under the TV activity screen with no luck.
  4. SarKen

    Joining a recorded show with a Joey?

    I do not think this is possible, but maybe I am missing somthing. I would like to join a recorded show that is currently being viewed on the Hopper with one my Joeys. I would like to do this while doing stuff around the house, currently I have to stop the show and start it back up in each...
  5. SarKen

    Science channel

    I have AT200 and see 193 (Science). But, I am on EA.
  6. SarKen

    TNT and TBS Channel logo

    Thanks for the info.
  7. SarKen

    TNT and TBS Channel logo

    Well it is not a real problem, but still good to see it is not just me.
  8. SarKen

    TNT and TBS Channel logo

    Just wondering if anyone else is missing the channel logo for TNT and TBS. I noticed this the other day and I am still missing them. Really not a problem, just wondering...
  9. SarKen

    Hopper Conflict question

    I have only seen the "New" episode tag on the the fist run of a show. For example Psych on USA is new at 10pm and is shown again at midnight without the "New" tag. I think my issue is with SyFy or the show itself. I added a few more timers today to test for conflicts on shows that replay later...
  10. SarKen

    Hopper Conflict question

    Ya, Replays... Sorry. I was just recalling that I had a few problems in the past with SyFy shows. So it might be something to do with the guide data like before.
  11. SarKen

    Hopper Conflict question

    When I had my 612 and 622 I would set up timers for channels like SyFy, Discovery and USA that have a lot of replays during the week. After having my Hopper setup for a few months I have my fist conflict on 4/30 at 10pm. The show “Weird or What?” on SyFy is on the bottom of my priority list and...
  12. SarKen

    Channel lists wont complete

    I am starting to have the same problem. Some of my OTA channels are removed from my list and I can not add them back. Hope this bug is on a list somewhere to be resolved.
  13. SarKen

    Stupid question. How to enter 412-24?

    Thanks!! That works. See I know it was something simple. Thanks for the tip!
  14. SarKen

    Stupid question. How to enter 412-24?

    I can not figure out how to enter a dash for the RSN channels. For OTA and sirius I simple add a zero before. For example for Hair Nation I enter 09939 and this sends me to 99-39. But, I can figure out how to enter NESN on 412-24. And way of entering this without going to the guide? I know...
  15. SarKen

    Two Hooper communication question

    Thank you both for the info. Looks like it is time to upgrade.
  16. SarKen

    Two Hooper communication question

    Do all the recordings from both Hoppers display under "My Recordings" (what I have on my 612). Or are they displayed separate?
  17. SarKen

    Two Hooper communication question

    I am looking to update my 622 and 612 setup to a two Hopper two Joey setup. I just have one question that I do not fully understand. I know (well I think) the two Hoppers can talk to either. Does this mean I will be able to transfer/move a recording to the other Hopper. Or does this mean both...
  18. SarKen

    Horizontal line showing up on Fox programs. Anyone else??

    I see the line on my VIP612. It is only the dish channel. WNAC using my OTA is fine. I am also having audio problems on WLNE prime time shows. All the audio seems to be directed to the left rear speaker only. I have not tested the OTA channel yet. Every time I want to test it I seem to be...
  19. SarKen

    11/14/2012 4:32pm - Uplink Activity Report - 119 changes

    SD channels are still available, they are now 7770 - 7773. PBS and CW are up linked and not available. We can only hope they will be available someday.
  20. SarKen

    612 getting Stuck on "Please wait.." stand by screen

    Odd, but for the past few day the problem as seemed to resolve it self.
  21. SarKen

    612 getting Stuck on "Please wait.." stand by screen

    I think that is what I am going to have to do.
  22. SarKen

    612 getting Stuck on "Please wait.." stand by screen

    ?I am having a problem with my 612, the last 5 or so times I have turned the receive on. I get stuck on the stand by screen with a message in yellow below the tips saying "Please Wait...". I can use the left and right arrows to chage messages, but the receive never turns on. I am forced to...
  23. SarKen

    Questions about The Hopper?

    I would like 2 Hoppers and 1 Joey. The reason being I would still love the upstairs (my 612 with mirrored SD in the bedroom) to be separate from the 622 downstairs (to upgrade to a Joey for TV2). Maybe I could go with on Hopper and two Joeys, but how can I be sure that shows will not be deleted...
  24. SarKen

    Questions about The Hopper?

    When will OTA be available. If I am going to upgrade I really do not want to lose channels.