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  1. shin_hibiki

    TVJapan no longer available on Dish from April 2nd

    Yikes, I really should have been more on top of this. Been with Dish for 13 uninterrupted years, but I'll have to see how fast I can get cable over here this week. On the other hand, SXM may gain me as a subscriber.
  2. shin_hibiki

    Movin' on up to the HD side - receiver & switch Q's

    Assuming I can hammer out some issues with the inputs on my new TV, I'm finally going HD (partly, anyway). My setup for several years has looked like this--a single 322 receiver (DP34 switch) with one output feeding straight into the living room TV and the secondary output feeding through the...
  3. shin_hibiki

    322 Download Problems Since New Firmware

    What the heck, I'll reply to the old thread. Hopefully those having problems with the 322 have received version L486 of the firmware sometime in the last ten days or so. I haven't had any crashes since then (fingers crossed).
  4. shin_hibiki

    322 Download Problems Since New Firmware

    Mixz, does shutting down the receiver overnight always work for you? I've always done so, and am continuing to do so with the current problems, but the failure still happens sometimes. Actually, it happened at quarter after six last night too, so it would seem (and posters on the other board...
  5. shin_hibiki

    322 Download Problems Since New Firmware

    I read that at least some 722s have had a similar problem since the last update, so they'd better have some motivation to fix it!
  6. shin_hibiki

    322 Download Problems Since New Firmware

    Bummer. :/ My setup is very straightforward, other than the foreign language programming (looks like D* still doesn't have Japanese, so I couldn't really jump ship even if I wanted to). 500+ dish, single 322 receiver, DP34. Anyway, my ranting over on the other forums has apparently caught...
  7. shin_hibiki

    322 Download Problems Since New Firmware

    Mixz, exactly the same problem here. Doesn't happen every day, but I never know when it will occur. I'm gonna be screwed if I have to be gone for more than a day, 'cuz my programs won't start (already happened to me once). Finally broke down and called tech support last week--of course they...
  8. shin_hibiki

    Realigning 61.5 to 118

    Dish replied (just an e-mail this time; no phone call) and said they'll credit me a full month. We'll see, but that would be more like it, especially considering the annual fee increase just rolled in. :up
  9. shin_hibiki

    Realigning 61.5 to 118

    Arrgh, it just won't end. Dish promised to adjust my billing for the three days I was completely without service, but of course they didn't. ceo@ just got another letter. :mad:
  10. shin_hibiki

    Realigning 61.5 to 118

    SCA, none of them were from Dish itself as far as I know. Just the installer that covers this area. Skibum, I don't want to get either one of us in trouble, so I'll just say that I'm not in Bozeman. :D (Actually, I'll be down there tomorrow to take care of a couple things, none involving...
  11. shin_hibiki

    Realigning 61.5 to 118

    Sorry, DC4, that was way over my head! :p
  12. shin_hibiki

    Realigning 61.5 to 118

    They used all-new materials (including the support struts), but it turns out that there was a very loose bolt, so that's probably why it lost alignment. After fixing that issue, though, there was still no signal, so the tech also swapped out the switch, which fixed everything. So it would seem...
  13. shin_hibiki

    Realigning 61.5 to 118

    Well, I tried connecting each LNB cable directly to the receiver cable without going through the switch, and I still didn't get a thing. Unless the dish itself really is out of alignment, I'm at a loss. I'm hoping to record some stuff that I will miss between now and Saturday at my brother's...
  14. shin_hibiki

    Realigning 61.5 to 118

    Good idea on checking each connection directly--I've got some spare barrel connectors, so I can do that easily. They assured me that the dish was tightened down, and it hasn't been particularly windy the last couple of days, so I doubt that's the problem (although it would be a relatively easy...
  15. shin_hibiki

    Realigning 61.5 to 118

    ...So three and a half hours ago, I abruptly stopped getting a signal from all three satellites. Dish said there was nothing they could do and that they would send the tech on Saturday. I reminded them that it took a month for the tech to get here last time! If that happens again, I will...
  16. shin_hibiki

    Realigning 61.5 to 118

    Wow, TheList is awesome! Permanently bookmarked, baby. Anyway, the problem was indeed something else. I mentioned that they added the cables for 129 even though I don't have it yet (they had paired cables, so it was easier that way). However, they mis-mapped it at the switch--they connected...
  17. shin_hibiki

    Realigning 61.5 to 118

    Well, here's the latest. The installer guys did show up today--they came at 3 and left at 7. To his credit, the office manager called in advance to make sure he knew exactly why they were doing this particular job (Dish just gave them a work order without really explaining the rationale)...
  18. shin_hibiki

    Realigning 61.5 to 118

    Excellent construction, P. Smith. :up Based on that, the DPP34 would seem to be the specific item that is actually experiencing shortages.
  19. shin_hibiki

    Realigning 61.5 to 118

    I am grateful for everyone's input on this topic. Here's an update. After sending a polite but firm note to ceo@ yesterday, I got a call from Anthony in Executive Resolutions first thing this morning. He said it's his understanding that there is in fact a hardware shortage, at least in this...
  20. shin_hibiki

    Realigning 61.5 to 118

    Not surprisingly, the installer called to cancel tomorrow's appointment (the third time for those keeping score at home). When I said I didn't believe the "scheduling conflicts" excuse anymore (they've had a month!), they said the real issue is that they're having trouble getting the 500+...
  21. shin_hibiki

    Realigning 61.5 to 118

    I've read this site occasionally, but this is my first actual post. I'm not a sat expert as you will see, but I do understand a few important things. Here's my situation: I have a Dish setup (standard, not HD) with one dish (twin LNB) to get 110 and 119 (I'm in the northern Rockies--think...