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  1. C

    what if I move and trees block signal?

    thanks for the input (most of it anyway) I appreciate the replies. No, I'm not just wanting out of the contract and purchasing a house based on satellite LoS would be so irresponsible. The trees are maybe 60 feet tall and are 40-50 feet away from the house. I'll basically try my luck with an...
  2. C

    what if I move and trees block signal?

    I just sold my house and our new place has tall trees around. If I utilize the "movers" deal and I can't get a clear signal, am I just out of luck? I have about another year left on a 2yr commit. Any advice? I think if we mount the dish near the top of the two story house it might be ok. Just...
  3. C

    Sorting the Now Playing List on HR10-250

    Thanks. Got any more nuggets of widom like this?
  4. C

    Sorting the Now Playing List on HR10-250

    How can I get the Now Playing List to be sorted by title? My old non-HD Tivo was but my new HR10-250 is sorted by recording date. Thanks for any help.
  5. C

    OTA HD box and Tivo hook-up, pic quality question

    I guess you answered my question. What I am thinking about getting was a DirecTivo and a stand-alone HD box with an antenna. How is the picture quality on the DirecTivo?
  6. C

    OTA HD box and Tivo hook-up, pic quality question

    I'm looking into getting DirecTV with Tivo. I'd like to hook up an OTA HD box for local HD. My question is can I hook this up to record these channels (obviously not in HD). I suppose to get my HD I'd have to hook into another input on my TV. Has anyone here done this? If the picture quality...
  7. C

    can R10's 2nd tuner signal be sent to other TV's?

    Thanks for the brief comparison to the 522. I am actually trying to decide between Dish and Direct DVR's. Any more Pros/Cons would be appreciated.
  8. C

    can R10's 2nd tuner signal be sent to other TV's?

    I see where the R10 has dual tuners. Does it have an output so that the 2nd tuner can be sent to other TV's?