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  1. highhatsize

    Terminator Caps

    Received Zinwell WB616 w/danger messag Dear dishrich et al., Just received my Zinwell WB616 from Solid Signal. With regard to terminator caps, the manufacturer included a separate warning on yellow, (i.e. eye-catching), paper that you should never use them. Following is the instructions that...
  2. highhatsize

    Terminator Caps

    Great site Wanted to express my appreciation for the existence of this website. Great forum. My esoteric questions are answered authoritatively. Many thanks. Cordially, highhatsize
  3. highhatsize

    Terminator Caps

    Thanks Thanks for the replies. So, terminator caps OK w/o stingers but altogether unnecessary. Can't use unused ports for diplexing. Cordially, highhatsize
  4. highhatsize

    Terminator Caps

    I just order a ZINWELL WB616 powered multiswitch. Since I currently have a 3 lnb dish and 3 directv/TiVo and 1 simple receiver, I expect only to need to use 7 of the 16, "signal out", ports on the multiswitch and only 4 of the 6, "signal in", ports. That leaves 11 unused coaxial terminals...
  5. highhatsize

    AAARRRRGGGHHH! - - - Where is the bugger!

    Directv's Own Installers Dear charper1 & verbano, I know that Directv contracts out installations. Moreover, you are right, I refer to installers with "Directv" on the their pocket as "Directv installers" even though the Directv Corporation has no relationship to them other than that with the...
  6. highhatsize

    AAARRRRGGGHHH! - - - Where is the bugger!

    Thanks Thanks for all the advice. In particular, thanks to, "Van" for advising against buying more hardware than I need. I keep coming upon threads where a question is asked, comments are made, and then the original poster disappears without telling what the outcome of his research was. So...
  7. highhatsize

    AAARRRRGGGHHH! - - - Where is the bugger!

    Thanks Thanks for the replies. I have a commercial oval three lnb dish installed by a reliable and expensive private contractor rather than by Directv. After I had an initial circular dual lnb set-up installed by Directv, I had Crawford Satellite come out and upgrade it twice, each time...
  8. highhatsize

    AAARRRRGGGHHH! - - - Where is the bugger!

    Dear Directv Satellite System Maestros, This is the continuation to a question about digitization of the picture which I asked a month or so ago. To sum things up. The tv picture becomes digitized intermittently on the higher numbered channels. I have especially noticed it on USA and SciFi...
  9. highhatsize

    San Francisco - New member with pixelation problem

    Time for the Experts Dear raysat and Jason, My satellite dish is so situated three stories above ground that only someone with specialized climbing equipment can touch it. I tried last week and, as I struggled to maintain contact with the pitched roof with as many square centimeters of my...
  10. highhatsize

    San Francisco - New member with pixelation problem

    It didn't work. We had a day of heavy fog two days ago and one of the stations became pixelated again. I suspect that it is a system flaw with the satellite. Here in San Francisco, we are at the edge of the satellite signal and the transponder(s) that broadcast USA and the like must be...
  11. highhatsize

    All About the 5 lnb dish & new satellit programming

    Sorry if these questions have already been asked & answered but I did a, "search", and nothing came back. 1) The "slimline" dish designed to receive signals from all five satellites appears in configuration to me much like the oval 3 lnb dish. I have a commercial 3 lnb dish by Channel Master...
  12. highhatsize

    San Francisco - New member with pixelation problem

    No replies. However, I had tightened every connection that I could find at the multiswitch. Some had quite a bit of play. I will let you know if the problem recurs.