Search results for query: *

  1. R

    H20 Crashing/Rebooting

    In the course of trying to watch the two NFL games tonight on ESPNHD, my H20-600 has sponteneously gone to black for 30 seconds and rebooted itself seven times! I called D*, and the customer service tech connected me to a Level 2 tech who told me that a software update will be available in...
  2. R

    D*, Sunday Ticket and moving

    Hi all, A quick search didn't reveal any discussion of this topic. I am moving to a new apartment somewhere as yet undetermined in mid-October. I am interested in getting Sunday Ticket, but realize that my new place may not be capable of allowing D* service. I asked a CSR what would...
  3. R

    Rescue Me audio problems

    So I recorded the 10:00 PM showing of "Rescue Me" this Tuesday, 6/6/06, on my SD DirecTivo. For the first time, I experienced nearly 30 audio dropouts at about one second or so long each. There were no accompanying video artifacts. I was wondering if anyone else expereinced anything similar...