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  1. Crocodile Locke

    Season 6:episode 7-Dr.Linus thoughts/discussions

    Indeed. For some reason I got it stuck in my head they were saying "meet" instead of "face". I must be getting a little rusty at Lost. :rolleyes:
  2. Crocodile Locke

    Benjamin Linus R.I.P.?

    But since there aren't that many episodes left I suppose it might not make a big difference either way. I'm still glad he didn't die though.....the other characters who died don't usually get much screen time. As far as Jacob is concerned, since he knows in advance what's going to happen, he...
  3. Crocodile Locke

    Season 6:episode 7-Dr.Linus thoughts/discussions

    Exactly. I guess ABC was going with a different definition for "demise".
  4. Crocodile Locke

    Benjamin Linus R.I.P.?

    Will he or won't he, that is the question. Could they be scamming us? Sure, they've done it before and I'm sure they'll do it a few more times before it's all said and done. However, it does seem as though Ben's story has come to an end....and we all know what often happens when there isn't a...
  5. Crocodile Locke

    Season 6: episode 3: What Kate Does thoughts

    I think I know what you mean. The fact that there are so many story threads going at the same time doesn't lend itself to very much time being spent on any individual character storyline. I can't imagine tonight's episode being worse than last week's though....Kate centric episodes always seem...
  6. Crocodile Locke

    Season 6 episode 4: The substitute thoughts thread!

    I'd say yes to seeing the people from the Black Rock, but I guess they could drag it out longer. I've been waiting to see the Richard Alpert flashback since the beginning of the season. I think it could be one of the best flashbacks we'll get. Assuming Richard is chained up on the Black Rock, I...
  7. Crocodile Locke

    LA X part 1 and 2: season 6 thoughts

    Yeah, let the rest of em' find out what real snow is. :up We've had a typical year for snow here in northwest PA; bad, but not awful. Too bad about the hubby, I know a couple people who got to feeling the same way. I'm guessing Lost has lost quite a few people due to the story complexity...
  8. Crocodile Locke

    Claire as the new Rousseau

    Just curious to hear what anyone has to say about how Claire has turned into a Rousseau-like character? - Both were pregnant, gave birth on the island and no longer had their child. - Both run around with a rifle and set traps on the island. - Both have messed up hair, raggedy clothes, a...
  9. Crocodile Locke

    LA X part 1 and 2: season 6 thoughts

    Something to keep your brain occupied with while you're digging out from under all this snow we've been having. :D
  10. Crocodile Locke

    LA X part 1 and 2: season 6 thoughts

    I suppose it could be somehow, but since Rose and Bernard were on the island in 1977 it doesn't fit with Jack's estimate of 40-50 years based on the clothing deterioration. In my opinion, since "Adam and Eve" had the black and white stones it indicates something bigger, something more integral...
  11. Crocodile Locke

    LA X part 1 and 2: season 6 thoughts

    It should also be noted that the "one is light, one is dark." theme was further reinforced in the first season by several other events. I think many people forgot about this, but in the episode "House of the Rising Sun" there was the accidental discovery of male and female corpses in a cave...
  12. Crocodile Locke

    LA X part 1 and 2: season 6 thoughts

    I have to agree, they haven't stopped posing more questions than they answer. If you couldn't tell by my name and avatar I'm a big Lostie, so I love it all. I'm awfully curious about how the man in black operates too. Everything seems to suggest that when we saw Christian Shepard on the island...
  13. Crocodile Locke

    The "LOST" City of Atlantis?

    Yeah, that's about the only thing that makes sense, the writers do have a lot of fudge factor with that pocket of energy. I think at the end of the day somebody decided it would be more mysterious if it was on the bottom of the ocean, instead of half blown up in the middle of the ocean. I don't...
  14. Crocodile Locke

    The "LOST" City of Atlantis?

    Interesting idea, I hadn't thought of that possibility. The only thing is, the underwater island had the Dharma Initiative houses on it which would date the island to being submerged in or after 1977. The age of the Atlantis myth (or reality) is much older of course, so the time frame is off...
  15. Crocodile Locke

    Ratings: 12.1 million viewers find 'Lost'

    Too bad, but Idol is a pretty tough nut to crack. I think Lost has lost a lot of viewers over time due to the tangled storyline; I for one am not one of them, I can't wait to see where the writers are going with it. :D
  16. Crocodile Locke

    Soon... but I forgot!

    Wow, it feels like it took forever for the season to start, but at least it started with a bang! I'm guessing pretty soon we'll get a flashback explaining Richard Alpert's origins...likely from the Black Rock I'd say. :D
  17. Crocodile Locke

    its that time again!!!

    It never seems to come soon enough. I'm going to suffer from withdrawal symptoms when it's finally over. With any luck all the questions will finally be answered and the answers to the major questions won't suck. I think I'm going to try to get an Azbox for Christmas, so I can watch it in HD...