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  1. Apprentice

    Sat Rig: SkyStar2 + MediaPortal

    Nice! I may have to play with this. I use xbmc for media but had not thought about adding sat to the mix.
  2. Apprentice

    Notice: Smile Of A Child Channel to be Removed from Galaxy 19 KU

    got email from them today stating the below. "Smile of a Child will be going back on Glorystar soon! Thank you for your patience and understanding. God Bless You!"
  3. Apprentice

    New GEOSATpro microHD Receiver

    Nice so it will support some playback of video files. that will be great
  4. Apprentice

    New GEOSATpro microHD Receiver

    yeah i love that feature on the AzBox. I use mine to play movies ect... all the time
  5. Apprentice

    New GEOSATpro microHD Receiver

    I am with the others i just want to see an add to cart button :) would take a prize but no problems with purchasing.
  6. Apprentice

    New GEOSATpro microHD Receiver

    Just waiting for the day i can send you money for one :)
  7. Apprentice

    FTA in a Small space

    that is a geat idea for being portable. what does that weigh when you do need to move it? can you move it one person or have o have two?
  8. Apprentice

    New GEOSATpro microHD Receiver

    I will be looking to purchase at least one. If the Azbox does not play nice (see Azbox forum) i will need a newer box. sounds like it will be priced well and be a great box with great support. That in it's self will be great.
  9. Apprentice

    Dish ID?

    looks like you are correct on the ID of the dish. did some looking at seems to be a good dish per what people have to say about it. Made for KU and C band humm.
  10. Apprentice

    Dish ID?

    Guy called me up out of the blue and asked if i would be interested in taking down this dish. I have not really looked at many C Band dishes. No idea what it is or if it would be worth it. But it is free for the taking if I want it any thoughts please?
  11. Apprentice

    FREE GIVEAWAY : LEXIUM FastAlign 7100Pro satellite meter with AutoFind Technology - Enter To Win Now

    " I want to win the all new FastAlign 7100Pro signal meter with AutoFind technology exclusively from LEXIUM " I would love to have a new meter since mine seems to have walked away :(
  12. Apprentice

    SES-3 launch tonight, 7:16 PM EDT

    watched the launch on the above mentioned link. they stated that it would be placed at 103 west.
  13. Apprentice

    LPB Last Night

    I could not get them or the OETA ones till I put my AzBox back in place. So I have not a clue. Wish I could help sorry
  14. Apprentice

    1.2 Prime Star

    nice :)
  15. Apprentice

    LPB Last Night

    I had them break up last night for a while. But then we went out and i have not checked it since. I am using a 1 meter fixed dish on a Azbox with no issues until then.
  16. Apprentice

    125 West AMC21

    I am running this on the Diamond 9000hd so far the PBS channels are fine. I still have not been able to get the OETA channels but have not really tried to hard. I have not tried the LPBN at all. I thought about putting the azbox premium plus back in place and see how it does. but been too lazy...
  17. Apprentice

    125 West AMC21

    Well I have this huge pile of bricks. And it keeps it from just sliding around on the floor :)
  18. Apprentice

    125 West AMC21

    To steal a phrase from Ice. Ghetto setup for checking out AMC21. Works great just can not get OETA to come in lol. Same issue lots seem to have. Either way probably will be setting up a fixed dish for this sat. :D
  19. Apprentice


    Nice. Enjoy
  20. Apprentice

    Doggone Wind!

    Got to love the midwest. When it stops suddenly like that it always makes me wonder. Chuck
  21. Apprentice

    Satellite or Microwave?

    wow lots of feed back thanks everyone. I was really unsure if I wanted to even mess with them. I will be working on getting them to a new home :)
  22. Apprentice

    Satellite or Microwave?

    I will have a look :) anything useful I hate to toss but just can not store it all. My wife would kill me.
  23. Apprentice

    Satellite or Microwave?

    That is what I think also is they are alum microwave dishes. Well guess we will see what he does. I have no issue with selling them for scrap. they give crap like that away all the time. They don't miss it one bit. could probably be converted? but would be a task I bet.
  24. Apprentice

    Satellite or Microwave?

    They are at a railroad yard waiting to be scrapped out. I am not close as they are a ways north of Wichita Kansas. One of the guys here knows I like to play with dishes and saw these. That is why my gut feeling is that the are microwave dishes that were used or radio transmission from tower to...