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  1. C


    Isn't Linuxman doing some tests? I had thought about doing an exchange. Then started reading all the RMA stuff, blah, blah, hobbyist item and all that. Seems like a big hassle but I will give it a shot. I do agree that back to back testing should be done for a true comparison. I will be...
  2. C


    I would like to say first off I'm a newb to BUD's. I haven't found much info on the DMX741U other than what is on the WSI site and what Lak7 has given me so I though I would share what I have learned. (Thank you Lak7 for your help!) I would imagine it's all out there but being a newb not all of...
  3. C

    Elevation and declination. Dazed and Confused.

    No, It does not have a switch or built in Diseqc. It is the GeoSat Pro C/KU from Sadoun.
  4. C

    Elevation and declination. Dazed and Confused.

    The C side is DEAD. I tried everything short of what Quatr00 suggested. I connected straight to the C side of the LNB and NOTHING. 0 is all 1 could get. Right now it doesn't matter. I cant get it pointed worth a crap so.....I'll try again tommorow. I didnt realize these were so sensitive. The...
  5. C

    Elevation and declination. Dazed and Confused.

    When I had it all hooked up to the reciever I selected port 2 on the diseqc, L.O. of 5150 and did a blind scan I could never get anything. 0 is all I could ever get. on 103W, KU on port 1 blind scans fine. I am going to take the Diseqc out, connect C straight to the reciever and try again...
  6. C

    Elevation and declination. Dazed and Confused.

    I connected C-band side directly to the acutrac and had a reading of 0. It didn't matter where I was pointed in the sky. I never changed the skew or depth of the LNB while connected to C. Shouldn't I have some sort of signal even if the LNB needs to be adjusted? Even a low signal? When I...
  7. C

    Elevation and declination. Dazed and Confused.

    Aww man . I ran all my cable yesterday, set up my box and found I was pointing at 103W instead of 97W. LOL! That explains allot. I have to go back and reset everything. THAT IS OK THOUGH! It's all a learning experiance for me and I'm really enjoying it. Thats what its all about aint it? I'm...
  8. C

    Polarotor Servo Controller Design

    Any new developments on this project? Pics or code? Keep up the great work! :up
  9. C

    FTA and a BUD

    What model FTA reciever do you have. MOST FTA recievers cannot control a servo motor.
  10. C

    Elevation and declination. Dazed and Confused.

    THANK YOU SATELLITE GUYS! I fought this thing over 2 sundays. I finally decided I needed a good meter to peg this thing. (Probly just me but it works great!) I bought an AcuTrac 22 MKII Pro. Today, I shortened the pole by 30 inches and installed my leveler. (another thread) Reinstalled the...
  11. C

    Elevation and declination. Dazed and Confused.

    OK. I pretty much "assumed" they were birdview dishes. I re-read her email. She said she though about making them "gold fish ponds" but she didn't say whether they were metal or fibreglass. I just shot her another email for more details. She's an older woman so I'm not gonna ask her to measure...
  12. C

    Elevation and declination. Dazed and Confused.

    Thank you everyone for your comments. I think I have a grasp of it now. I have a "Johnson" angle finder. I am not sure how accurate it is. Can someone recommend a GOOD angle finder? Linuxman...I have been reading some of your posts. There is an older lady about 40 miles from me that has given...
  13. C

    Elevation and declination. Dazed and Confused.

    Yes, That is correct. I am going to print everything off today and sit and read it all again and start over with my dish pointing procedure. Last night, I could peg 97, scan and had a few channels.(nothing I could really understand but at least a channel) If I motored west I could see the signal...
  14. C

    Elevation and declination. Dazed and Confused.

    I hit 97 with an Signal of 72+ and Quality of 98. I can't peg anything else. I think I need to lower my elevation and move everything east a tad.
  15. C

    Elevation and declination. Dazed and Confused.

    No, You are correct. I was using the dishpointer site. I was getting 52 degrees or so elevation but didn't know the declination. I'm going out now to give it a shot. 20 degrees high....yea...I can see why I couldn't hit anything.
  16. C

    Elevation and declination. Dazed and Confused.

    See...thats why I'm confused. Those numbers are different than I have been coming up with. I finally just wallked away and am taking a break. I wasn't trying to be lazy, I posted out of frustration. I'm sure others have been there. I'm gonna read a bit. Its gotta be something simple.
  17. C

    Elevation and declination. Dazed and Confused.

    Can someone PLEASE tell me what my elevation and declination angles are or where I can find them. zip is 75142. Longitude: -96.2273°
  18. C

    Help Identifying BUD mesh size.

    SCORE!!! I went driving around....found 3 BUDs within 1/2 mile from the house I never knew existed. I picked up one with the pole for $50. A pencil will not pass through the mesh. There is a sticker on the dish that says "Unimesh" and on the LNB cover it says "Unimesh". I pulled the LNB cover to...
  19. C

    Help Identifying BUD mesh size.

    I am trying to identify this dish or at least get some confirmation of whether or not the mesh is small enough it might do KU. I want to do C/KU and need a dish and I found this one. I have been looking at other pics and so far it seems it might do KU band. Anyone have a clue? Sorry for the...