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  1. K

    Recommendations for 4K Receivers

    same as you I have gotting 4K with fta ku band the samsumg let you see what you are seening
  2. K

    Recommendations for 4K Receivers

    I don't need a 4k receiver on my 55" Samsung I was watching a program on sat. and the picture look really push a button on my remote and it show 32----- 21----- =4k what was going on, and just using a an old receiver
  3. K

    controller and receiver

    And the receiver is an openbox
  4. K

    controller and receiver

    The controller is a DisEqC 1.2 Positioner
  5. K

    controller and receiver

    can someone walk me through on how to hook up the controller. it hads rcv and lnb on the back
  6. K


    So your saying your are better? I'm going to do as I been advised for now and just use the c band for now.
  7. K


    Good deal but in the future I was reading about grease,is that how the dielectric plate would stay in one spot. I know I'm worrying everyone,but like said earlier this is my first cband. I have fool with diseqC switch a many of times,I know-how they operate,so I won't be worrying y'all to much...
  8. K


    Well tell me about the dielectric plate. Do I need to use it,if I do the lnb is just a little bit bigger than the plate
  9. K


    Sounds good to me. I still have my ku setup. I'll just leave it up then and work on the cband for now.
  10. K


    I didn't know you could do that, I'll go check that out. Arion do you know which lnb I need to use he sent a cband and a c/ku. Seems to me you would get more use out of the c/ku or would just get double channels on a blind scan
  11. K


    My brother has got an 8 footer [emoji16]
  12. K


    My brother got an 8 footer[emoji12]
  13. K


    And also which lnb do I need to use. The c band or the c/ku
  14. K


  15. K


    Well I will need a latter,here is where I'm at now.
  16. K


    Guess he would have a high bill every
  17. K


    I really to start on it so I'll make my up when the time comes
  18. K


    I was thinking about one at a time l'll wait and see. How heavy is all the panels on s ten footer
  19. K


    Well the instructions are not good.they have the instructions of a swing set that you buy at Walmart. It good and very strong build. Don't be scared about buying one but you will run into hickup along the way. One more thing I don't like is that you can't talk to the owner, I think they have...
  20. K


    This is my first cband that I put up. I been fooling with ku since the early 90s.just a little bit different animal
  21. K


  22. K


    Yeah that's pretty clear,my don't look like that.just woke up and plan start tearing down later today. Will keep y'all posted.
  23. K


    Pookah Could you take closer pictures does look different from my but it hard to tell. I just don't think my would riselike the instructions said it's made to do
  24. K


    Yeah that would be fine for a picture.the direction remind me of some swing set directions