1 dish on my house or 2?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 2, 2004
I live in Louisville KY and was a Dish customer. At first I had one dish on the side of my house with 3 LNB's. Then my locals came to Dish and they put another dish on my house to pick those up. I moved to a rental so I cancelled my service and have temporarily gone to cable while my house is built. I didn't want to deal with putting service in the rental and it was going to take too long to put my service on hold plus I was out of contract.

Now my house is getting close to being done and I am looking forward to leaving cable. Looks like it's a good time for me with Hopper and joey coming out adn with Direct having the HR34. I've gone back and forth about which to get but I'm pretty sure I will end up back with Dish since I hate the way Direct disables the internal hard drive when you connect an external one. I like being able to move shows off like the way Dish does it.

My question is, if I go back to Dish, will I need 1 dish on the house or 2? I didn't know if anything changed where I would only need 1 or not.

One dish can pick up three sats with three lnbs and they have a three lnb dish for Eastern Arc and Western Arc.
I wonder why they gave me 2 of them before.

You are probably like my setup. Was installed on WA then EA came around and our locals were put on 77. I originally had the dish installed at 61.5 when 129 was having problems.
Rinker97 said:
I wonder why they gave me 2 of them before.

Programming gets moved around on satellites, and depending on line of site as well. But all your current programming should be from one arc (set of satellites) that require only one dish.

But if you tequire international programming you more than likely will end up with a second dish.

Can the DIRT team help with Dish Online issues?

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