10 Random Questions

1. Besides instituting a playoff, if you could make 1 change to the current BCS system, what would it be?

The same type of playoff as in Division 1AA, 2 and 3.

2. Harrell, Teabow, Bradford or McCoy? Who wins the Heisman? Who makes the best NFL QB?

Who cares?

3. Bama or Florida?


4. Waffles or Pancakes? Preferred syrup: Pure Maple Syrup or that sugary kind (ie: Aunt Jemima)?

Waffles, Pure Maple

5. What was the last movie you went to see at the theater?

Crocadille Dundee (The Original)

6. Charlie Weis or Tyrone Willingham? Who's the worse coach?

Toss Up

7. Which college coach will be coaching an NFL team next year and where?

None, if they are smart

8. LeBron or Kobe?

Who cares?

9. Is your Christmas Tree up yet? Fresh or Faux?

Don't put one up since the kids are grown and gone.

10. What's your Super Bowl Predictions?

The teams that win the NCF and AFC Championship Games. Those games are better than the over hyped Super Bowl.
7. Which college coach will be coaching an NFL team next year and where?

Knowing the Browns, Kirk Ferentz will probably be in Cleveland next year :) :) :)

I Really hope I'm wrong about this prediction.

NFL Team for LA?

Shanahan Out In Denver

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