105/121 Peaking

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Hi, I have been trying for the past 2 days to peak on either 105 or 121. I have the proper equipment, my receiver supports the satellites (DP301). I can peak Dish 500 in a snap, but I am having no luck with the FSS birds. BTW, I heard something about some satellites from Canada causing interference, what areas have that problem?

The bigger the dish the small the adjustment amount. The difference between no signal and good signal on my FSS 76cm dish is about a 1/8".

My method was to calculate all the parameters (via Satmaster Pro demo) and set the skew first (mine was a round LNB, so I had to rotate it). I then used a compass to get close and then moved the dish in VERY SMALL increments with a few seconds for the signal level to lock between each move. I took about 5 minutes to get mine peaked into the 60's.

Also make sure the mount post is plumb in both directions. Test your LEVEL before checking the pole. You can test your level by making a vertical line on a wall then flipping the level over (the short way) and rechecking the line. If they match, your level is good. If they diverge, the level needs adjust or replacement.

Good luck!
The FSS signal will be lower then the DBS Satellites.

I hear from those who have SuperDish's that a good signal is anywhere from 55 to 70.
Scott Greczkowski said:
The FSS signal will be lower then the DBS Satellites.

I hear from those who have SuperDish's that a good signal is anywhere from 55 to 70.

Are 'those who have SuperDish' reporting that the HD programming is fully operational on 105?
The HD Channels are up there on 105 for engeneering, but have not been opened up yet for those who have a SuperDISH.

The only thing people with SuperDISH's are reporting getting from 105 is channel 7000.
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