110 and 119


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 14, 2004
Should I always be able to get at both satellites? Last night I stopped getting any signal from 119, and it has not come back. I've done a couple hard boots, but it does not help. Strangely, 110 now is much stronger. I suspect the dish slipped in the direction of 110, but I want to make sure this is not just some routine thing that happens before I call the installer.

This morning (3/23) my 119 was out, but interestingly enough it was only on my 508 receiver and not any of my 301's. I did a hard boot on the 508 and did a switch test and the picture came back.

Get a pencil, mark where the dish mounts to the mast with a vertical mark. then get a 7/16" wrench and look at the mount. There should be 3 bolts and nuts that clamp your dish 500 to the mast loosen these enough to move the dish. Slightly move your dish(standing looking straight at it) to your left the equavalent of the pencil mark. Go in and check signal strength, if 119 is back repeat until you have an equal signal on both. IF you lost 110 go back to the pencil mark and go the other way. Do not move the bolts that adjust your angle unless 1. they do not match what your set up screen says or you know that it is obviously been knocked off. If you are not confident in doing any of these things... do not, wait on the installer. If you can hear the tones that the reciever puts out it makes it a lot easier. You can listen to the pitch and tweak until you get a higher pitch(stronger signal).
BEFORE doing any of this, check your connections at the switch and dish!
Thanks. My dish was just installed in the last few days, so I should have no problem getting the installer back out here (especially since they are only a couple blocks away).
I gave them a call, they were out ten minutes later, and my signal strength is much improved (and fixed). I think he just had not tightened down one bolt between the bracket and the wall.

121/105 using 500/300/sw21?

L119 for 721

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