125W LPB mux

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 11, 2005
St. Louis, Missouri
I am a new owner of a S9 Openbox with a couple of questions. LPB1, LPB2, and LPB hd have a low SQ. It drops down to 10.
TP 11070/H/12475. Is this "normal"? SQ on all other transponders are above 60. Im not sure which way to go with this.

Also the sound on Montana PBS is not very good. Is this "normal"?

>>LPB1, LPB2, and LPB hd have a low SQ. It drops down to 10. << Lower here than Montana, but they don't drop out unless we have heavy rain. I have an 84e peaked on Montana, which has good sound here.
>>TP 11070/H/12475<< this has me thinking typo?
That all being said, looks like I have to tweak this dish after the heavy winds we've had for the last few days. Dang, it's raining.
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This is a crazy TP. Somedays is up to 50% in quality and the next day they are down to 10-15%. Its real hard to keep up with their changes. No need to move your dish. Its on their side.
LPB1, LPB2, and LPB hd have a low SQ. It drops down to 10.
TP 11070/H/12475. Is this "normal"? SQ on all other transponders are above 60. Im not sure which way to go with this.
Also the sound on Montana PBS is not very good. Is this "normal"?
Sounds like my experience using a 10-year-old Astrotel universal .8dB LNBF on my 3ft offset dish. Montana hardly came in at all with heavy breakup. LPB was around 30 quality and at night would drop below 10 and become very pixelated. Until I get a new one, I put on an old bandstacked CalAmp pop-can Star Choice LNBF and Now get 70 quality during the day and 50 at night. Montana comes in about the same.

I wouldn't use this LNBF for a permanent installation, though, since the signals above 1500MHz are reduced in strength--and this was measured at the dish with a 3-ft coax to a spectrum analyzer. Strong signals work okay, though.
I always have trouble receiving LPB on Saturday night during the British sitcoms with the signal constantly moving from 10 to around 60.

This past Saturday (OCT 8 2011) however it was at a solid 74 during the day when I watched This Old House Hour and a solid 65-68 during the British sitcoms.
just put in 6' dish and montana pbs is one of my favorites. could not get it to start with. i could get pbs from 125 to start with. could not get louisiana either but i always get it better so tweaked the antenna to get it. then i tweaked to get pbs today. 1/6th of a turn on the levels and tweak the left and right and now i am getting montana pbs at 70 with my solomend. at least thats what i got until the wind blows... charlie
I have one of my small dishes set for PBS and it blasts in, no problem. Gave LPB a shot and signal 88, quality 8 to10. So I switched over to the 8 ft BUD and gave it a shot. Comes in with 90 sig and bouncing quality. They are going to have to fix whatever is causing the quality to jump from 25 to 60 and back down before it will be watchable. When drops below 42 to 45 it starts to tile.

Right now I'm getting an INCREDIBLE quality reading, with a 36" dish into an Openbox, of 80, with spikes as high as 84! For contrast, the highest I normally get on anything is 76.

A few days ago my dish mount somehow shifted a hair so that my quality reading went up a point or two on almost the whole arc (except Hispasat, which I almost totally lost), but LPBS was still only giving me a 71. So I think something must have changed with the uplink today.

(As much as I'd love to go out and tweak the dish to get Hispasat back, I'd much rather have the higher readings on the rest of the arc (never had a reliable lock on FSTV before), and I don't feel like spending the whole day tinkering with every axis I can adjust, so I suppose someday if I miss Hispasat too much I'll have to put up a fixed dish for it.)
And now, an hour later, it's back to a normal 70-71 again...
And now it's around 50. Not breaking up right now, but I bet it wouldn't be watchable if it was cloudy.

No other transponder has changed, except Montana might be down slightly.
Sounds like they have an uplink transmitter that has problems. Looking at another thread on this sat. It sounds like they are possibly working on set up of the encoders.
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I been noticing the same thing here.
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Any software out there is able to tune DSS?

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