2.03: what's in it??

Is there any place someone can look and see what the different versions are suppose to add or fix? That would make a lot of sense and probably cut down on a bunch of calls to tech.
"Is there any place someone can look and see what the different versions are suppose to add or fix? That would make a lot of sense and probably cut down on a bunch of calls to tech."

An excellent idea, but I doubt it will ever happen. Looks like Dish frequently updates 27 different receivers, at least that's what the number they list here:


I doubt if the phone techs even know anything but the most major changes, on the most popular receivers.
syphix said:
Anything new? A quick bug fix of some sort?

Good tidings and cheer, fairy dust, and raspberry marmalade. :p

No, but seriously, I believe any hardware/software type company that's worth their salt will tell you what's in an update. For example, just last week I purchased a new GPS receiver from Garmin. Even though the thing works flawlessly right out of the box, I went to the company's page for the product to check if I had the latest firmware/software. I was not surprised to see that they have an extremely detailed log of the updates the product has received. That's the way a company should operate; receive feature or bug complaints, address the issues, release the updates, and tell the consumer what's been fixed or changed. How the hell am I supposed to know if Dish has addressed any of my (many) complaints? What, should I just keep on beta testing this piece of garbage and try to see for myself? What would be so hard about listing what the complaints were, and what the update fixes? Well, that's a rhetorical question, really. I know why Dish doesn't say what's in the software updates (and so do all of you). If they were to say what's in the update, that would create some serious problems for Dish. First, they would end up publicly admitting that their crappy receivers are riddled with bugs. And that can't be good for business. Second, when they release an update that doesn't fix a known problem (something that happens every time they "update" the 522), people would no doubt question, "Hey, Dish, why didn't you fix problem 'XYZ' in this last update?" Third, we all know that every Dish update creates more problems than it solves. But even though I say that we "know" that, we really don't have any documentation to back it up. It's more of an anecdotal observation, really. See, this way they can kind of leave everything up in the air. No one on this side of the fence really knows what Dish considers to be the problems/bugs with the 522 (or any of their receivers, for that matter). But if Dish were to start publicly documenting what every update "fixes," it would leave a nasty trail for observant customers like me to follow. So if the 522 never had a problem with guide button reboots (which it didn't), and then all of a sudden it develops the problem after an update (which it did), an update log would set in stone that the problem was created by an earlier "update." It would publicly illustrate the ineptitude that exists in the development of the 522. They would look really, really stupid. And I suppose they just don't want to look that stupid...even though they do anyway. :rolleyes:
damn dude.... summed up:

Most companys release patch notes to tell you waht was fixed

Dish doesnt because they dont want to admit faults

was that so hard?
ShadowEKU said:
damn dude.... summed up:

Most companys release patch notes to tell you waht was fixed

Dish doesnt because they dont want to admit faults

was that so hard?[/QUOTE
That is what I said in the first post!!! :) :) :) ]
boba said:
ShadowEKU said:
damn dude.... summed up:

Most companys release patch notes to tell you waht was fixed

Dish doesnt because they dont want to admit faults

was that so hard?
That is what I said in the first post!!! :) :) :)

yeah i was replying to chriscoop's post... i mean jeez could he have made it more complex?
It's too bad they don't log what each patch fixes (and breaks). Maybe then the CSRs would have a clue when customers call for help.
When did 2.03 get released? ALl this playback skipping REALLY needs to stop. I've been patient, but Tivo's going to get my business again if this keeps up.

Oh, I see, it was probably installed last night and should be waiting for me at home today. PLEASE dear god, PLEASE resolved the playback skipping. PLEASE.
Lucky for all of you that you can get DirecTV! I got screwed into choosing between Dish and Comcast..and if it weren't for Comcast's lower channels all being analog, i'd switch to them! The Dish PVRs completely suck in relation to the Tivo..

Anyway, yeah. Even game companies, and heck, Windows Update describe what each update does.
Oh, I'm SO sorry that my post made all of you ADD children waste precious brain cycles. My posts usually run long for two reasons; I love to talk/write, and I have something to say. If you folks are having trouble reading a WHOLE paragraph, perhaps you would be better suited to give up message boards and get a job working for Dish Network. I'm sure you'd fit in perfectly as a customer service rep or advanced tech support person.

ShadowEKU said:
yeah i was replying to chriscoop's post... i mean jeez could he have made it more complex?

Yeah, it was really complex. I provided an example from personal experience of a company that releases updates in the proper fashion, and then went on to list the three reasons why I believe Dish doesn't tell customers what's in an update. I simply shared my thoughts regarding the topic at hand (Dish updates). What have YOU contributed to this thread? I mean, other than the not one, but TWO posts that did nothing more than criticize me. Actually, I can understand how my posts might be a little too complex for you. Most simpletons have a hard time with reading and comprehension.
The only fix that I can 'see' is the 'LOST AUDIO AFTER PAUSE' problem. Now it comes right back when resuming live TV or a DVR event. :D

That was one of the things that really chapped me.
Is anyone noticing LESS audio drop outs? I've never had the "Lost Audio After Pause" bug (knock on wood), so that's not much of a fix (though I don't even have 2.03 yet...is there a way to force a download??).
syphix said:
Is anyone noticing LESS audio drop outs? I've never had the "Lost Audio After Pause" bug (knock on wood), so that's not much of a fix (though I don't even have 2.03 yet...is there a way to force a download??).

Make sure you don't have any events ready to record in the next hour or two.

Go to UPDATES [MENU-8-5]

Change the time to the next few minutes.

Press done.

Shut the receiver off and wait.

Or you can try a powerbutton reset. Hold down the power button for about 5-8 seconds.

I think the first one will work better though.
ChrisCoop said:
Oh, I'm SO sorry that my post made all of you ADD children waste precious brain cycles. My posts usually run long for two reasons; I love to talk/write, and I have something to say. If you folks are having trouble reading a WHOLE paragraph, perhaps you would be better suited to give up message boards and get a job working for Dish Network. I'm sure you'd fit in perfectly as a customer service rep or advanced tech support person.

Before being such a jackass, maybe you should realize that your paragraph is too damn long for people who are used to reading text from people who know how to write properly.

Whatever the hell you were trying to say would probably have been more comprehendable had it been in 3 or 4 paragraphs rather than one long one.

It's not about the length of what you wrote, it's about your lack of proper writing ability. If I had just written everything like you did, it would look like below.

Bad version:
Before being such a jackass, maybe you should realize that you your paragraph is too damn long for people who are used to reading things from people who know how to write. Whatever the hell you were trying to say would probably have been more comprehendable had it been in 3 or 4 paragraphs rather than one long one. It's not about the length of what you wrote, it's about your lack of proper writing ability. If I had just written everything like you did, it would look like below.

OTA Channel Problem, Dish 811

SWAMP THIS GUY W/ phone calls if you dont qualify for hd olimpics..

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