2 Dish 500 Installation Questions


New Member
Original poster
Mar 3, 2004
Since I can't get in on the 811 promotion for existing users because I don't have AT60, I am planning on doing the 811 thing on my own. If I go with Dish it'll cost me over $500.

So I purchased the 811 for $300 instead of the $399.

And now I need a second dish because my first one points to 61.5 for international programming. So what kind of things do I need so I can point the second one at 110 and the first at 61.5 to get a proper signal to my 811 (I only have that 1 receiver).

I'm a total novice at this, so I just need to know what LNB and what kind of switches I'm going to need. Or would it be cheaper to just go with a local installer?
Call the local installer for a quote.

The LNBs have to match on the 2 dishes (Legacy or DishPro). DishPro(DP) have a big DP on them.

Re-aim the Dish 500 (oval dish) to 110/119 and get a Dish 300 (18" round) for 61.5.
A DirecTv 18" dish would work.

If it is Legacy Twin LNBs run 1 line from 500 & 300 to a SW21 switch.

If it is DishPro LNBs run 1 line from 500 & 300 to DP21 switch.

Should we switch to DirectTV from Dish?

Finial Reminder - ISF Demo from Gregg Loewen

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