211 hook up


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Oct 17, 2004
Southern indiana
Well I am back with DISH stayed away about 8 months missed MONSTER just too much.

Question I have a 211 and I did keep cable I have it connected to 211 input but I am not seeing of my old analog cable channels.

I thought it might best to run cable into 211 instead of just run to TV and have to change inputs etc.

Isnt there a way to watch cable channels kind of seemless like I use to with OTA local HD?

thanks for input

I have looked thru 211 manual but I am missing something


Also I noticed I am getting many more channels than what is listed for the BRONZE pkg.Is this normal the first days I also have HBO that I didnt subscribe to.
I dont want to call DISH CS I guess I better call local retailer they gave me NOTHING in writing as to what pkg I have.

Maybe DISH teeses you with most channels a day or two.
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If I'm understanding you correctly, you have local cable hooked up to antenna jack on the back of the 211, and you can watch the 211, but you can't watch any of the cable channels, correct? You should be able to just shut off the 211, and the cable channels should tune as if the 211 was not even there...

problem with vip411

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