3.63:Can only skip forward 99 on guide


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 7, 2003
Since I got the new release I notice that I can only go forward by 99 hours at a time while in the guide. Before this release I could go forward a full week (169) or more.

Now any 3 digit combination doesn't stay on the screen long enough to be able to press skip forward.

Feature or bug?
I can also go to the wee hours of the 29th. But not in one jump. Before I could enter 169 <right> to go a week. Now I have to enter 99 <right> then 70<right> or press the <skip> button repeatedly.

Not a big deal, but the 942 lost this feature about the same time that episode date/number showed up in the guide. Interesting coincidence, I think.
No coincidence at all, just the same code changes inserted into the 622 software that were previously done for the 942, bugs and all.

I predict we'll be seeing L364 very soon. At least I hope so based on the number of problems that have been posted about today.
Is this problem caused because the receiver now immediately assumes when you key in three digits you want to change the channel? A poster in the 3.63 release notes thread indicated that a delay in switching to a three digit channel occurred with release 3.60 but now in release 3.63 the channel change is immediate. This means the receiver is no longer waiting to see if you want to go right or left in the guide anymore after keying in a three digit channel number. It's assuming you want to go to that channel. I prefer the earlier way of doing this. I really like being able to jump ahead say six and one-half days (156 hours) in the guide if I want to.

If I just terminate my contract early...

What does the 622 come with?

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