301 skipping when using up/down buttons


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
I have 4 301's. Just last night one of them started this strange problem. If I direct tune to any channel,all is good. If I try to use the up/down buttons, I get skipped back to A&E (I think that's channel 119). For example..I am a C-span junkie. On the weekends I am forever up/downing between 210 & 212. Now I keep getting A&E (is this the dreaded "art" browser hijak!!).

Any suggestions & or comments would be most welcome as to how to stop this & why did it happen in the first place.
Try using recall to bounce between C-spans. Also on thar receiver try doing a hard reset instead of a power button reset. Unplug A/C power for about 1 min. then plug it back in.
What color is your guide? To scroll your complete guide it should be a very light blue. To customize your guide hit your guide button twice or three times a different color guide will appear. To customize your guide I think you first need to access menu.

811 dark image fix - next week?

just lost some of my Supers

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