811 dark image fix - next week?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 11, 2003
Hmmm, now the tech jive channel 101 is saying dark image fix next week. So if that is P266, the Dish Home Channel garbage must be P267.

I called in to tonight's Tech Forum with question regarding fix for the 811 "dark video" issue.

After being bounced around and waiting, I was connected to a very well informed "Advanced Technical Support" person named Justin.

He said they agree there is an issue with dark video on ALL outputs (not just S Video as so many have said). He is the first person at Dish who has admitted to me that they were aware of a dark video problem. Every time I have called Technical Support it was left with the feeling that they were in denial.

This dark video issue is supposed to be fixed with a software release on May 20, 2004 - in time for their "Summit" (whatever that is) which was referred to many times tonight.

I hope this is true. Until the dark video issue is resolved, my 811 is considered "out of service" even though I am paying an extra $15/month for this unit.

best regards,
docbog said:
...After being bounced around and waiting, I was connected to a very well informed "Advanced Technical Support" person named Justin.

He said they agree there is an issue with dark video on ALL outputs (not just S Video as so many have said). He is the first person at Dish who has admitted to me that they were aware of a dark video problem. Every time I have called Technical Support it was left with the feeling that they were in denial.


That is more hopeful than Dish telling me repeatedly that dark image is only an s-video SD problem. Next week for P266 - yippee!


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