322 Installation Question


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 24, 2003
I just installed a 522/322 setup for a customer and have a question in regards to the 322.

What UHF remotes will work with the 322? Will a 508 or 510 platinum remote work?

Both the 522 and 322 are installed in the same location. I need to replace the customers IR remote on the 322 with a UHF. I also need to make the 322 see that remote 1 is UHF and not IR. The customer called tech support and they said it was possible.
Both the 522 and 322 use a different UHF remote that is not compatible with the platinum remote for the 501/508/510. It supposedly has a longer range and, at least in the case of the 522, will in the future allow you to switch over and watch what is being tuned in on the other tuner. Neither unit currently supports this function and it is "tentatively" set to be introduced on the 522 sometime this summer. Here is a thread in which Scott reviews the 522 and explains some of its current shortcomings, including the incompatability of the remote.
By the way, just for clarification, from what I have seen the UHF remote for the 522 is the same one you get with the 322, although I can't say from personal experience. I am not aware of a source for additional remotes other than direct from Dish.

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