Questions about 921 from a newbie.


New Member
Original poster
Jan 21, 2004
I am new to this forum, and to PVRs in general, and am looking for some advice.

I live in a rural area with no local OTA channels. I get my local news via my E* satellite programming. I am wanting to buy a HD/PVR to record subscription programmed material off my Dish. (Speedvision, sports, etc.).

My question is whether the 921 is a good choice today or should I wait for something newer. I do not get any OTA signals so all of the negatives I've read about that poor performance really doesn't matter to me at all.

Thanks guys,
Speeddeacon said:
I am new to this forum, and to PVRs in general, and am looking for some advice.

I live in a rural area with no local OTA channels. I get my local news via my E* satellite programming. I am wanting to buy a HD/PVR to record subscription programmed material off my Dish. (Speedvision, sports, etc.).

My question is whether the 921 is a good choice today or should I wait for something newer. I do not get any OTA signals so all of the negatives I've read about that poor performance really doesn't matter to me at all.

Thanks guys,
If you are not recieving OTA HD, no need to record it ( 921 is mainly for people who want to record HD, or at least 2 programs at a time ). Why not just buy a cheaper pvr for your SD stuff ( 508, 510 ).
As I said in my earlier post, I don't get OTA signals in my area, local or not. I only watch satellite programming. I want to mainly record SD programs but also want the capability of HD as well so would buy an HD PVR. I will only use 1 receiver in this setup. I have a basic DishNetwork dish/receiver now.

Is there a better choice for satellite based HD tuning/recording?
Also don't forget that you can get other HD channels from E* including DiscoveryHD Theater, HDNet, HDMovies, ESPN-HD, and an HD PPV channel. If you subscribe to their respective movie packages you can also get HBO-HD and SHO-HD. Don't forget CBS-HD if you qualify (you are located in a CBS Owned & Operated market (mostly the big markets) or a white area where no local broadcast affiliate can "claim" you as a customer and block you getting it. You can TRY and get a waiver, but don't hold your breath waiting for the approval.

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