5.1 Surround on Sat Reciever?


New Member
Original poster
May 11, 2004
I am looking at putting together an AV system. The system will be 7.1 capable. Are there special features that I need to look for on a satellite receiver that will allow me to hear the satellite movies/shoes in surround sounds? Can I just use the L/R RCA Audio cables or do I need a optical output on the satellite receiver? Any help for this newbie would be greatly appreciated.

L and R RCA plugs can NOT output 5.1, 6.1, ot 7.1 sound. (Only Dolby Pro Logic.... the old matrix system is possible with that type of connection).

Most of E*'s equipment ONLY has optical outputs. Many digital cable boxes have "digital coaxial" connections (looks like an RCA plug but with an orange center instead of a red, white, or yellow color). Make SURE your receiver has an input that matches up (My uncle bought a receiver that only had one orange input that was required for his DVD player (the receiver would not allow any other signal to pass). He wound up not being able to listen to surround sound from his digital cable....
Thanks for the replies. Looks like I will have to update my sat receiver to get optical output. I currently have a 301. What is a good receiver that I could find on ebay to get one with the optical output?
BobMurdoch said:
L and R RCA plugs can NOT output 5.1, 6.1, ot 7.1 sound. (Only Dolby Pro Logic.... the old matrix system is possible with that type of connection).

Most of E*'s equipment ONLY has optical outputs. Many digital cable boxes have "digital coaxial" connections (looks like an RCA plug but with an orange center instead of a red, white, or yellow color). Make SURE your receiver has an input that matches up (My uncle bought a receiver that only had one orange input that was required for his DVD player (the receiver would not allow any other signal to pass). He wound up not being able to listen to surround sound from his digital cable....
RadioShack has a box that converts optical outputs to digital coaxial, or vice versa. Go to www.radioshack.com and search for product number 15-1228, or ask your local RadioShack store for it. Price is $14.99.
I had the 301's and paid the 100 bucks to upgrade to the 510 which has the optical outputs... (actually that was the reason I got the dvr unit was for the optical outputs...) Now that I have the DVR I dont know how I ever lived without rewind and pause :)


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