501 Replacement under Warranty


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
Twin Cities, MN
Well, my 501 is getting replaced under warranty.

I've had it for just over 2 years and it became flaky over the last few weeks. It started with me watching recordings that showed a message that part of the recording was missing due to a signal loss.

I checked my dish to make sure it was clear of snow, asked my family if they noticed anything on any other receivers, and decided it was intermittant. Since that time I had many times where I was watching it live and saw it go to the aquiring signal screen. Or heavy pixilation occuring. Screen freezes. I would reset it and sometimes it would behave. I'd power cycle it and sometimes it would behave.

I finally exchanged it's location with a 4900 and it's problem persisted in a different spot. So it wasn't the wiring.

I hesitated to call Dish because I figured I'd be on the phone for a half hour trying this, and that, and running check switches, and all sorts of stuff. But when I finally called, I explained what I had experienced, what I had done, and all of a sudden I was getting a RA number and a replacement was being shipped.

Easier than I expected. I hope the replacement works at least as long as the first one. At least the $1.99 warranty I signed up for last October is taking care of it.
Sounds like a tuner failure to me. Been there, done that with 2 501's and a 721 and 301, and seen a customer's 301 go bad as well due to the tuner issue.

Comcast may be interested in Dish?

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