510 Hard Drive Problem


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Original poster
Nov 24, 2003
So, I turned on my 510 and received an error message stating "A serious problem has been detected with your hard disk drive. Please contact DISH."

I turned it off, removed and replaced the smart card. Turned it back on. Same message. I called DISH. A replacement receiver is on the way.

In the meantime, I unplugged it, and then reset it. It came back up with no problems. My question is, does this mean that my hard drive does have a problem and will go bad shortly? I mean, do you think I should stick with my now-working receiver, or go ahead and swap it out when the replacement arrives?

Regards. Jay
Thanks, Scott. That's what I figured. Unfortunately, I guess I will lose all the content on my current 510. Ah well, I suppose there's nothing there I can't live without.

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