510 won't stop recording!


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Original poster
May 3, 2004
When watching a show, I hit the pause button planning to keep watching after commercials were finished. Instead I decided to watch something I had already recorded, so I pressed DVR, chose something and started watching. After watching for about fifteen minutes, I stopped that show and went back to what I had been originally watching. Problem was it didn't go back to where I first paused the show. It went to real time but still in pause mode. Worst part was that I could not cancel out of pause mode. Tried to go live, but it wouldn't do it. Tried to stop recording, but no luck. Tried to turn off power, but no response. Finally I removed the smart card and reinserted it. This happened once to my wife as well. I see that I probably need to press record instead of pause if I'm going to watch a previously recorded show, but it seems that the 510 should not hang the way it did. Sounds like a software glitch to me. Anyone else have this happen to them?


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