522-Extra $4.98 fee and telephone???


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 30, 2003
How ong after hooking up your telephone do they eliminate the extra fee?
I has my install this past Sat and just hooked up a phoneline last nite.

The$4.98 fee is for DVOD(dish video on demand) you will pay that as long as you have the 522 unless you are subscribing to Americas Everything Package. If you don't have a phone line connected you will pay $4.99 for an additional outlet, also called a mirroring fee.
Right, I am talking about the telephone fee (my bad $4.99 instead of 4.98). So, since it is showing up on my online billing which is due on Feb 12th and I hooked it up within my 1st week, when does it get taken off?
How many receivers do you have? If you have only the 522 you may need to call them. If you have the 522 and a 2nd receiver you will have a fee. There are two different fees. One is for additional receivers, which you will get charged whenever you have more than one. The other is the second tuner fee, whch is charged only if no phone connection.

I hope this info helps.
They treat that extra tuner as an extra receiver when it comes to the fees being charged without the phoneline connection.
I have 3 receivers an 811, 522 and a (301 that I own)-the 811 and 522 under DHP. I know they charge an extra $4.99 without the phone connection for the 522. I would like to know how long after you hook up the phone do they stop charging you the extra $4.99.
It should be the next monthly bill after the receiver has completed the phone in procedure. If it continues to show up on your bill call DISH. You will have to leave the phone line continously connected the 522 checks daily to be sure it is connected to a phone line.
What I do not get is if they had not been having the receiver dial out to give Dish Network the PPV Purchase history very often, such every couple of months like they were doing causing customers to get higher bills than they should for one month, then how is Dish going to know which ones to add or drop the fees on for being connected or not connected to the receiver? They cannot unless they dial out.

I have read where they are starting to dial out more often now than what they were so perhaps it will not take as long.

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