522 New Software Whacked my Timers...


Original poster
Dec 15, 2003
It looks like when I received v 1.61 (rel 1/15/04) of the 522 Software, all my existing timers stopped functioning. They are still in the Timers list, but no icon shows up in the guide and nothing gets recorded. I tried to modify them and save them, thinking that might get them going again, but no luck...

I called Dish and got no resolution, other than what I assumed in the beginning... I'll have to delete the timers and recreate them.

I have heard of software updates having adverse affects on other's receivers. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

FYI, the timers on my 522 still work perfectly after the new sofware download. If you haven't already tried a reboot, I would try it and see if that helps.
skaeight said:
This new software doesn't by any chance implement "single mode," does it?


Hasn't fixed the on screen notice of keeping your phone line plugged in to avoid the DVR charge either.
I tried to record the "Emergency Charlie Chat" today set a timer yesterday to make sure I didn't miss it. Well it recorded and recorded and recorded two power button resets and it was still recording but now it was just a black screen. Finally had to pull the power cord, left it out about 5 min. finally was able to get Tuner 2 to stop recording and give back control. I hope all the Radio Shacks 522's work as good as my demo.
928gt said:
FYI, the timers on my 522 still work perfectly after the new sofware download. If you haven't already tried a reboot, I would try it and see if that helps.

Of course... Several reboots and an unplug... Still no timers. I'll have to sit down and re-enter them all. I wish I could do them all from TV2 and just tell the darn thing to record it on TV1...

How long before you ARE NOT a previous customer?

LNB goes splat

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