522 replay pause function and signal strength


New Member
Original poster
May 1, 2004
Hi this is my first post to this forum. I did a search on 522 and replay pause but found no answers.

When I unpause a DVR program the sound is gone unless a press rewind and then play.... However when using the second IR remote for the second tv the pause function works fine?!?!

Can anyone help me understand or fix this?
Also the signal strength in my unobstructed, Southwest facing Oakland hills house is only at 60% on echo 119west - is this normal? My picture on a 32-in screen is very pixilated on almost every channel...

Thanks for any help. :confused: :confused:
Sound problem is normal on this model someday DISH will correct the software. 60 % signal is too low for a correct installation complain to DISH or your installer 70% is minimum allowed. Picture quality is not affected by signal strength as long as you have enough signal to provide a picture it won't improve picture quality by having a stronger signal. You have to be under DHA if they can't improve picture quality cancel and get a good service Directv, Voom or Digital Cable.
jefbak said:
Also the signal strength in my unobstructed, Southwest facing Oakland hills house is only at 60% on echo 119west - is this normal? My picture on a 32-in screen is very pixilated on almost every channel...

Thanks for any help. :confused: :confused:
I'll assume you've got a Dish500, and so ask what the signal strength on 110 might be. If it's significantly different, you might have an LNB problem, but that's unlikely. MUCH more common is that the install was just sloppy and the dish needs to be 'bumped'.

Disclaimer: I am NOT recommending that YOU do the following because I have no idea what your skills and agility are.

However, if you can get to the dish SAFELY, and have someone that can watch the signal strength screen and yell to you, try applying some pressure to an edge of the dish using your hand. Just enough to move it a tiny bit. You should be able to feel what the "right" pressure is. Knudge the dish in each of the 4 directions and see what happens. If you see an improvement, you'll know it's a bad aim. I do not recommend that you try to fine-tune it yourself - if you loosen the adjustment bolts you will almost certainly lose the signal, and it takes some skill to get it back. Oh - and if your little nudge swings the dish out of alignment, the installer didn't tighten it enough.

Finally, I must disagree with the previous post - a marginal signal leads directly to the pixellation you are seeing.

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