Newbi needs help!

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Original poster
May 2, 2004
It's been 2 years since I mothballed my Echostar stuff and followed the path of least resistance. That path has been closed, so, like many others, we start anew. I have an ISO programmer with the right clock crystal, xCel 3.0, Talk, Talk1.9. Freetalk...My Rx is a model 2700, about 4.5 years old.

Local dealers, (in Mexico), operating out of storefronts, provide excellant service for $100us and offer a six month guarantee. I figure if they can do it so can I...What do I need to get started? In the past, all I managed to do was loop my card. I got it unlooped by jacking it, and that's where things stand...Thanks!
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522 replay pause function and signal strength

the new 811s

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