522 UHF Remote


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Feb 10, 2004
NE Ohio
For those of you with a 522, if I put the receiver on the first floor will the uhf remote control the second tuner from the second floor? I know it says it should work up to 200ft away, but Id like to hear from someone whose doing it.
Well it depends on how well your house is built , Furniture placement and other factors. You will be lucky to get 50ft.
My 522 is on the 1st floor, and I can use the UHF remote in the basement, and on the second floor with no problem. I'd say my 2nd floor usage is 20-30 feet away horizontally from the 522.
If I was getting only 50 feet of range from a DishPro UHF remote I would very unhappy with it even if it was going through walls or floors. It should do better than that even through objects although it may not go the full 200 foot length.

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