How to force complete update of EPG on 510

You mean the 9 day EPG data instead of the 2 day EPG data, am I correct? Try running a switch test to see if that works.
Stargazer said:
You mean the 9 day EPG data instead of the 2 day EPG data, am I correct? Try running a switch test to see if that works.

I thought I was supposed to get 9 days with the 510 receiver? Yeah, the 9 day one.
Outback Paul said:
How can I force a complete update of the EPG on the 510 receiver?



For the Dish DVR receivers to have access to the 9 day EPG you need to have a Dish 500 or functional equivalent, as the only location for the 9 Day EPG stream is transponder 29 from the 110 orbital slot.

Also keep in mind the 9 Day EPG is really 8 1/2 days so using a Monday as an example as a completely Fresh guide you would have EPG data for Tuesday (day two), Wednesday (day 3), Thursday (day 4), Friday (day 5), Saturday (day 6), Sunday (day 7), Monday AGAIN (day 8) and part of Tuesday (1/2 day).

If you turn on the Inactivity feature in the Dish DVR menu then the receiver will pull in Fresh EPG Data every day, or force a refresh by scrolling to the end of the available guide Data, Plus one more press of the remote keypad and the receiver will pull up a Dialog box and ask if you would like to update the guide.

Quick movement around the guide can be done as follows; 1) input a number of hours to jump forward 168 (is 7 days ahead) then press the Right blue arrow button, the same can done to travel backward but use the left bluw arrow button. 2) Use the 30 second skip forward button while in the guide to jump forward 24 hours, the 10 second skip back button will jump you back 24 hours.

I was going to mention him having to have the Dish 500 for the 110 orbital slot to get the 9 day EPG info but figured since he wanted to force a complete update that he has one or two days that are not on there. If you do not have a Dish 500 or SuperDish to get the 110 orbital slot then you would only get the 2 day guide instead of the 9 day guide.

I also wonder if you hold down the power button for about 6 seconds or so to reboot the reciever if it will force it to update the EPG.
What about on the 301..i have a couple of customers that claim the guide comes up all the time to down load. i have been telling them to go to guide before going to bed and downloading.
The 301's will now be able to store 2 days worth of EPG data but if it does not have all the data then it will go to retrieve it (probably about once a day when going into the EPG if it has not gotten the data yet).

Got my new QUAD....easy to install?

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