622 2nd TV install question


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Feb 11, 2004
Dallas/Ft.Worth, TX
I'm confused on how to connect other tv to my 622. I have a Dish 4700 in bedroom and had a 811 which I replaced with the 622 I am using now. I have a Dish 500 setup (2 dishes) getting 110, 119, and 61.5 birds. House is wired for sat in all rooms. Both the 4700 and the 622 are currently in use viewing separate programming. My question is how do I connect the 622 to 2nd TV so I can get rid of my 4700?

Not sure what switches (if any) I might need to get or how to hook up to other tv in general. Any help appreciated or directions to online install guide. THX! :hatsoff:
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First question: Do you have both Sat inputs connected on the back of the 622? That is, are you enabled for dual-tuner use?

If so, then the 622 outputs a TV2 signal via composite video + audio and RF modulated NTSC. Using RF is usually the easier option. But you will need a coax line from the 622 to the other TV location. It's possible to diplex the RF onto the same coax that feeds the 622. So getting this to work depends on how you can route and patch cables.
noremac said:
First question: Do you have both Sat inputs connected on the back of the 622? That is, are you enabled for dual-tuner use?

If so, then the 622 outputs a TV2 signal via composite video + audio and RF modulated NTSC. Using RF is usually the easier option. But you will need a coax line from the 622 to the other TV location. It's possible to diplex the RF onto the same coax that feeds the 622. So getting this to work depends on how you can route and patch cables.

Yea, I have both inputs hooked up via di-plexer that came with 622. Sats. only show up on TV1 though when doing a check switch test. This whole RF thing is whats confusing the heck out of me. I would like to use existing cables to hook up to other TV. So does this mean I need another cable from 622 to 2nd TV in other room going RF route? :confused:
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That "di-plexer" that came with the 622 isn't really a diplexer. It's a special splitter [separator], but you have to have a suitable DPP switch feeding it (e.g. DPP44, DPP Twin). This is the first thing to verify/fix. Are you able to record two Sat programs at once?
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noremac said:
That "di-plexer" that came with the 622 isn't really a diplexer. It's a special splitter, but you have to have a suitable DPP switch feeding it (e.g. DPP44, DPP Twin). This is the first thing to verify/fix. Are you able to record two Sat programs at once?

No, Can't record from 2nd tuner. When doing check switch shows reception verified on TV2 side but no sats. found. Only TV1 working atm. THX for switch recommendation, might try a local dealer to see if I can find one. Might be cheaper going Dish install route tho. :(
Swap the leads from the seperator into TV1 and TV2. If the problem switches to the other tuner, then you have a bad seperator - call Dish. If the problem stays on TV2 - you have a bad receiver - call Dish. Oh, and use the Tech Support option, not the CSR's.
Jim5506 said:
Swap the leads from the seperator into TV1 and TV2. If the problem switches to the other tuner, then you have a bad seperator - call Dish. If the problem stays on TV2 - you have a bad receiver - call Dish. Oh, and use the Tech Support option, not the CSR's.

Jim, I switched the separator around like you suggested and sure enough TV2 is now showing the 3 sats. where TV1 is not. So I have a bad separator, does Rat Shack or anyplace sell these things? I just want my 2 tuners on one tv for now until I can get my TV2 connected. THX! :)
ingramba said:
So I have a bad separator...
Whoa. Not so fast. We haven't established what kind of switching you have. In order for the separator to work correctly and enable it to feed both of the 622's tuners, you must have compatible switches - e.g. DPP Twin, DPP44. What does your "check switch" show?
noremac said:
Whoa. Not so fast. We haven't established what kind of switching you have. In order for the separator to work correctly and enable it to feed both of the 622's tuners, you must have compatible switches - e.g. DPP Twin, DPP44. What does your "check switch" show?

I just have the separator hooked up to my cable from the wall to my 622. Dish guy said thats all I should need awhile back to get the 2 tuners working on same tv. Hence why I am confused on why only one tuner shows all 3 sats. and other tuner shows a "X" but says reception verified at bottom of screen on both tuner's. .No other switches installed except the 2 - SW21's outside by my dishes.
ingramba said:
I just have the separator hooked up to my cable from the wall to my 622. Dish guy said thats all I should need awhile back to get the 2 tuners working on same tv. Hence why I am confused on why only one tuner shows all 3 sats. and other tuner shows a "X" but says reception verified at bottom of screen on both tuner's. .No other switches installed except the 2 - SW21's outside by my dishes.
sw21 are legacy switches. So you will need two seperate lines to your 622 and cannot use the DPP seperator.
tnsprin said:
sw21 are legacy switches. So you will need two seperate lines to your 622 and cannot use the DPP seperator.

This is disappointing news, guess I will have to call Dish and arrange for install to get my 2ND TV up and running. I assume they will supply all needed switches and cabling if needed as part of the install price which I believe is around $100.00. :(

THX again for all help and suggestions!
I assume you purchased your new 622? Otherwise, if leased, the install should have been done correctly for free. If you get the right LNBs/switches, you shouldn't need an additional downfeed cable. That's the good news.

721 to pocketdish

1000+/500+ new install

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