622 HD recording


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 13, 2007
If you record in HD and then play it back shouldn't it look as good as HD.I have a 622 and my daughter recorded Greek off of ABC Family HD and during playback it looks worse than SD. Does anyone have an idea.Thank you.
If you record in HD and then play it back shouldn't it look as good as HD.I have a 622 and my daughter recorded Greek off of ABC Family HD and during playback it looks worse than SD. Does anyone have an idea.Thank you.

Just because a particular show is on an HD channel, does NOT MEAN that the show is actually native HD. It's very likely, that show was SD, and they just did a "stretcho-version" of it, to show on their HD channel.

Also, Dish can throttle back the bandwidth of any channel on the fly, and this can cause "less than stellar" results for any video, either SD or native HD. Also of course, you need to be watching on an actual HD tv set. Don't laugh, some people think they can get HD on an SD set, just because the picture is "stretched".
ABCHD does not do stretch-o-vision. Could have been the show itself. harry Potter movies looked fine (even though they are not OAR).

It should look as good as when you recorded it as the data stream is recorded digital to disk and is played disk to HDMI digital or RGB analog.

At any time, however, the output resolution could be reduced thru the menus, so check that you are still using 1024i or 720p depending on the HDTV being driven.


The British are coming: BBC HD 7/20 - How long til Dish adds it?

Existing cust upgraded to EA?

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