625 - TV Entertainment


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 3, 2006
West Texas (midland)
I've noticed since 383 I have a TV Entertainment option on my 625, anyone know what this will soon be? I'm assuming it has something to do with Dish On Demand, but am not sure.

I don't recall seeing anything else on this topic in case I missed it.
Dish has signed deals with NBC and ABC to provide free (for now?) previews of season premiers of new and hit TV shows before the general public gets to see them in prime-time. The first notable examples are the series premiere of Friday Night Lights and a Desperate Housewives re-cap special both available to Dish Network subscribers before they are aired to the public on either network using DVR's with the VOD feature. So, look for some more TV shows to be available first to Dish subs before network TV premier.

FSN AZ in Califonia?

3rd receiver (or is it the 4th?)

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