3rd receiver (or is it the 4th?)


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 13, 2006
down south
After looking through everything I could find here, and not being able to find it exactly, I thought I'd ask:

First of all, my current equipment: Dish 1000, ViP 211, and 625 receivers.

My scenario:

I'm wanting to add a 2nd receiver (either a 301 or 322) to the same location that I have the vip 211 at so I can hook up my SAL Tivo to it.

My question:

What exactly do I need to do this?

Does the 625 count as 2 receivers as it's connected to 2 different TV's in the back of my house? If so, I guess I have 3 receivers connected. If not, I have 2 receivers connected.

I've seen so many switches mentioned along with so many variations that I don't think I'd know the right answer right now if it bit me on the butt :D
To add a 3rd receiver (yes, you have two receivers), you will need a switch. A DP34 will do but you'll need two cable runs to the 625 and single runs to the 2nd and 3rd receiver. A DPP44 is the ideal solution because you can have a single run to the 625 and you'll have an extra port but they are expensive ($150-$200).
Yes, the rule is that Dish counts each BOX towards the maximum of 6 boxes on one accuont regardless of the number of tuners a box has. Dish counts tuners towards the maximum limit of 4 leased tuners per account. Any change to your system that would allow a 5th tuner, Dish feels you can pay for yourself.
Thanks much, ya'll. Yeah, they're sure proud of that DPP 44, aren't they? The cable runs aren't that much of a big deal for me as I've still got all my wiring from D* and that's the way it was set up with them.

Didn't I see something about powered and non-powered versions of those switches or am I still swimming in switch hell? :confused:
One more after thought......is adding this other receiver going to mess me up with my RV set-up? I have a Dish 322 receiver for it that I bought and it's a 2 tuner model.
One more thing.....are the DP44 and DPP44 the same thing? I know the 'DP' and 'DPP' mean Dish Pro and Dish Pro Plus but I don't recall seeing that difference when looking at the switches before.
There is no DP44, only the DPP44. The DP34 is powered by the receivers and the DPP44 has a power inserter that must go on port 1. You can lease a max. of 4 receivers and you can have a max. of 6 receivers in the account. I have 5 receivers in my account and as long as they are connected to the phone line, you shouldn't have problems with the Dish Audit Team.
Okay, gotcha. :)

In the "for what it's worth" department, I've been looking at DPP 44 switches at eBay and, if you're not in a big hurry for the switch, you can get one for as low as $60 or $70. I could get one right away for around $90-$100 and thats NIB. The other switches are available too, priced accordingly. Sure beats the $150 to $200 elsewhere. When one's receiving fixed income, such as I, every penny counts.
RandallA said:
There is no DP44, only the DPP44. The DP34 is powered by the receivers and the DPP44 has a power inserter that must go on port 1. You can lease a max. of 4 receivers and you can have a max. of 6 receivers in the account. I have 5 receivers in my account and as long as they are connected to the phone line, you shouldn't have problems with the Dish Audit Team.
Dish now leases a maximum of only 4 tuners per account. So, in some cases, this means only 2 boxes. For example, the dual tuner 625 and 322, two boxes on one account, is the maximum Dish will lease because these to boxes provide a total of 4 TUNERS. It used to be maximum 4 boxes, but has been maximum 4 tuners since the DishPro Plus line of dual tuner boxes were introduced.

Thanks for that info. I guess that decided for me to use the 301 along side by 211 as that'll give me the 4 tuners. I hope they'll cut me some slack for the 322 in my RV. Not that E* or D* listens to reason, a case could be made that when we're in the RV, all tuners at the house are dormant :)
DownSouth said:

Thanks for that info. I guess that decided for me to use the 301 along side by 211 as that'll give me the 4 tuners. I hope they'll cut me some slack for the 322 in my RV. Not that E* or D* listens to reason, a case could be made that when we're in the RV, all tuners at the house are dormant :)
Of course, you are free to purchase any equipment and boxes beyond what Dish will carry for you (4 leased tuners). You just have to pay for it. The official limit is a maximum of 6 boxes, of any kind, per account. So, in theory, you can have 12 tuners (TV's) on one account.
I think I've got it straight now. I own the 301 and 322 and am leasing the 211 and 625 so I'd be okay whichever way I use the 2 that I own. They sure like making things complicated with all this :)
DownSouth said:
I think I've got it straight now. I own the 301 and 322 and am leasing the 211 and 625 so I'd be okay whichever way I use the 2 that I own. They sure like making things complicated with all this :)
No, not complicated, just inexpensive as possible for them (Dish). They'll do anything for that. :)

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