721 can't edit HBO timer??

Bill D

SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
So last night I was trying to setup timers to cover all the Sex and the City shows and Curb your enthusiasm. I setup the first sex show and extended the timer 90 minutes, this should have bought me till 10pm, instead it got me only the first show. So I noticed that and went to HBO W, set it up and went to edit the timer. It gave me a can't edit a pay per view event warning. What is up with this, is this normal, can't ever remembering this happening. Maybe I never tried anything more then the standard 1 early 3 late timer.

Also I am getting really tired of the delay that HBO sometimes has when I skip back, and I sit and watch for a solid 5 seconds until somethings happens. This is definitly a farely new bug
The only time I get a can not edit timer screen is when I am actually recording the show that I am trying to edit. Understandable. But I have never heard of the pay per view thing. IF you are talking about a freeze on your video for 5 seconds this happens to me if I try to skip to many times forward and backward. I just slow down on the skipping speed and I get less freezes.
MikeD-C05 said:
IF you are talking about a freeze on your video for 5 seconds this happens to me if I try to skip to many times forward and backward. I just slow down on the skipping speed and I get less freezes.

Actually I could be watching for like 5 minutes and hit skip back once and it just sits and waits. Other times it works fine. I just kicked and rebooted the thing last week because it was acting sluggish. I think I am going to directivo so that I can get YES network soon anyway..
I saw the same two issues.

I've reported this before, but HBO's Dolby Digital shows on the 721 screw up the skip back / skip forward function. The receiver seems to be stuck for ~ 5 seconds whenever you try and skip back before resuming. It's an annoying defect, but really is a pain. Fortunately since there are no commercials during the shows, I'm not too upset about not being able to skip around. But I have seen this problem for months and it hasn't been fixed.

If you subscribe to HBO and you own a 721, try the skip function with a Dolby Digital show (Sex and the City, Sopranos, select movies, etc) it's horrible. I'd be interested to know if this is tied to my hardware or is a problem for all 721s.

As far as extending the timer goes. My wife wanted to be absolutely sure she got the whole Sex and the City extravaganza, so she edited the timer for the first show and extended it 90 minutes which SHOULD have resulted in completely recording all 1 hour and 45 minutes of the show(s). Unfortunately the 721 completely ignored the extended timer setting and recorded only the first 30 minute show (part of a SATC highlight kind of thing). Fortunately she checked during the evening and discovered the problem. She then tried again with the later broadcast that evening. Same thing happened. She ended up having to watch it live (using the other tuner evidently) to see everything. She's not a happy customer that's for sure.

So who actually tests this stuff? Evidently no one with HBO and no one interested in timer extensions...
Thanks, glad I am not out of my mind. Others should try these as well. Not being able to extend a timer usually isn't a big deal on HBo, most shows end early, but Sunday nights Sex shows was an example of needing the extension..
I don't think that it is limited to HBO, I have had it happen several times on my locals. You can also not extend the timer on PPV, or NHL Center ICE.
If you edit the timer and add extra time to your timer either through the padding option on the front menu or extend the end time on the second menu, you need to finish the entire process and hit create timer again . I found this works the best in insuring the timer works. When we got the updated software L116 I tried to edit timers without doing the entire create process and it created conflicting timers and even changed the day it was on to the day I edited it. I had to make sure that the day and date was right also or it wouldn't work. I found a lot of things worked differently then they used to in the edit and timer process after this last software update. I had to relearn the whole process all over again. Now I rarely have any problems with editing the timers.
Yes you could set up a manual timer which I have suggested in other posts. But this was about editing process and I was addressing the problems which can happen when you don't completely finish the" create a timer menu."
Well, I was just offering a suggestion to the OP (too late to get the shows he was trying to record). Didn't mean to step on any toes...
I've got the same problem...

supp said:
I saw the same two issues.

I've reported this before, but HBO's Dolby Digital shows on the 721 screw up the skip back / skip forward function. The receiver seems to be stuck for ~ 5 seconds whenever you try and skip back before resuming. It's an annoying defect, but really is a pain. Fortunately since there are no commercials during the shows, I'm not too upset about not being able to skip around. But I have seen this problem for months and it hasn't been fixed.

If you subscribe to HBO and you own a 721, try the skip function with a Dolby Digital show (Sex and the City, Sopranos, select movies, etc) it's horrible. I'd be interested to know if this is tied to my hardware or is a problem for all 721s.QUOTE]

I have the same skip back/skip forward problem where it hangs up for at least five seconds. Yes, it is only on the DD 5.1 Eastern feeds of HBO. Yes, it drives me crazy. It's not just your 721.

"REscanning" problem?

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