721 Guide problem


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Nov 2, 2003
Ok, this one has me stumped.

I have a Dishnetwork 721 connected via svideo to a Sony STR-DE3000ES receiver (this receiver upconverts svideo to component). The sony is connected to a Mitsubishi big screen via component.

Everything works fine *except* the 721 guide screen. When I hit the guide button it's like the TV loses 'sync' with the signal and goes to a blue screen. All other 721 screens (programs, the pvr guide, the menu's, EVERYTHING) work fine. All except the guide.

Any ideas, theories (I'll swing a dead chicken around at this point if it will help) about why the guide (and only the guide) is causing this issue?


Do you leave your E* receivers on ........

How long does software update take on a 322?

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