Do you leave your E* receivers on ........


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 30, 2004
Just curious...

Do you leave your E* receivers on 24x7 or switch them off when you are finished watching programs or at the end of the day?

I leave all of my receivers on 24x7.
Usually mine are off (since all I have are locals). Don't need to waste electricity (thats what the central air is for) :D
Actually the difference between ON and Off is so small that it is probably the difference between the LED ON and Off. The recevier is still tuning the satellite, receiving, and processing the information that comes down. I am going to have to get my ammeter and see what the difference in power use is, but I am sure it is well within the range of being nothing.

The only time mine goes off is when there is a download to be had, and of course when it locks up and needs to be rebooted. ;)
Technically those receivers are on all the time (as long as they are plugged in)
The on/off switch only disconnects the video/audio from your display and allows for downloads, if you had a watt meter you would see a steady draw all the time.
Iceberg said:
Usually mine are off (since all I have are locals). Don't need to waste electricity (thats what the central air is for) :D
You need air in Minnesota?

I leave mine on pretty much 24/7
Mine always go off when I'm done. The hard drive at least turn off, so it saves on hard drive wear and a small amount of electricity.

I'd like to see the amount it actually does use up when on and off if someone could measure it. Preferably a DVR unit.
Kevinw said:
You need air in Minnesota?

I leave mine on pretty much 24/7

Technically, air conditioning means cooling or heating. I know that Iceberg uses heating, especially in winter. :cool:
Did you know...

AppliedAggression said:
Mine always go off when I'm done. The hard drive at least turn off, so it saves on hard drive wear and a small amount of electricity.

I'd like to see the amount it actually does use up when on and off if someone could measure it. Preferably a DVR unit.

Actually a hard drive will last longer if it receives constant power. Powering up a hard drive causes most of it's wear and tear.
That obviously depends on how long it is powerd off. Remeber a DVR hard drive is working even when the TV is off.
I tend to think of the Power On/Off button a Download Off/On button. That is about all it does, isn't it?
Bobby said:
Technically, air conditioning means cooling or heating. I know that Iceberg uses heating, especially in winter. :cool:

I was referring to central heating comes from good ol' propane.
In MN, its not the heat...its the friggin humidity. Duluth we would need the a/c about 10-14 days a year. Where I live now, its used much much more. Plus, being on a lake doesnt help.

Heater runs from mid-late September to beginning of April. Just turned off heat last week. By the weekend, it will have to go back on...upper 20's for lows this weekend :(
For awhile there back in 2002 when we were having the blackouts I would turn off my boxes at the powerstrip when I was done with them. Shutting the power off to everything really made a big difference to my electric bill. All those idle power supplies add up over time.
bigthrust said:
Actually a hard drive will last longer if it receives constant power. Powering up a hard drive causes most of it's wear and tear.

Please provide a reference for this.
I have heard this before, yet I have never been able to find any proof either way. If you know of a source, please provide it. Or is this just your opinion and/or something you have been told?
Big Bob said:
Please provide a reference for this.
I have heard this before, yet I have never been able to find any proof either way. If you know of a source, please provide it. Or is this just your opinion and/or something you have been told?

I am a computer system engineer. I have been working with hard drive technology for years. Around here (based on OUR statistics) hard drives last longer when they stay powered up. However, in the general IT community, opinions differ. So my previous quote is more or less an experienced opinion.
bigthrust said:
Just curious...

Do you leave your E* receivers on 24x7 or switch them off when you are finished watching programs or at the end of the day?

I leave all of my receivers on 24x7.
I keep my 811 on all the time. It takes so much time to boot (check switch/ downloading info etc.) !
Kevinw said:
You need air in Minnesota?
Air conditioning is just that ... conditioning the air. Sometimes it makes it cooler, other times it adds or removes humidity. I'm glad to have air conditioning year round, even if I only get to use the "cool" setting for four or five months a year.

Big Bob said:
Please provide a reference for this.
I have heard this before, yet I have never been able to find any proof either way. If you know of a source, please provide it. Or is this just your opinion and/or something you have been told?

Oh no :eek: Not this again :no


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