
Original poster
Dec 29, 2003
I bought a 721 yesterday. Activation was a pain, but after it was all set up, I loved it. This morning at 5:30 a.m. my dog started barking. So, I got out of bed and checked it out. She was standing under the BRAND NEW 721 barking at it. It was making clicking noise. I turned on the TV and Low and behold, there was a message saying that my disk had failed. After sever attempts at rebooting I called Dish. They are sending me a new one and said this was "certainly not a common problem". Any thoughts?
Call Dish and get it rmad and get your refurbished unit overnight with credit card auto pay and extended warrenty. If you just bought it, there will still be a year warrenty on it and they will replace it for free or shipping and handeling charges . That depends on the csr.

I just bought my 2nd 721 and had a tuner bad on it so I rmad mine and got it overnight within a day and a half. Ordered on Thursday night at 10:00 pm and got it by Saturday at noon. This was the week before X-mas. Pretty fast.

811 Problem - High pitched buzz then no sound

Dish is offering compensation...what should I ask for?

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