721 L1.16 Question (721 NoooBie)


Supporter / Pub Member / Server Weenie
Original poster
Sep 28, 2003
Round Rock, TX US
Is it normal that if you are watching the channel you have a recording starting on, that it will grab the 2nd tuner and record the SAME channel you were watching on the 2nd tuner?

I.E. I'm watching Channel 11, NO PIP, and a timer fires for Channel 11, and it grabs the 2nd tuner to record on?

Strange, I guess.

I don't think the 721 checks to see what channel you are watching when a timer fires. It has been my experince that it will only use the tuner you are watching to record if you have 2 overlapping timers. In otherwords, the 721 records in the background if possible.

software update for 811 a bust

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